This week’s GitHub project wants to provide developers with an alternative version to commercial application performance monitoring (APM) tools. InspectIT is an open-source APM tool for monitoring and preventing problems in Java EE apps for free.
“InspectIT is based on an application-centric, business-focused approach, where each technical request is mapped to an application and to a business use case. With inspectIT you always know about the health of your software and can easily analyze any problems that arise,” according to the project’s GitHub page.
The APM solution notifies developers when there is a problem, identifies affected components, and uncovers performance problems.
It features performance metrics, aggregated views, navigation features, graphical configuration interfaces, a RESTful API for automating and integrating other tools, an adaptable user interface In addition, developers can write their own extensions to use with inspectIT.
“A central data repository has all the performance metrics you really need available anytime so that you can stop running around to obtain your information. Import and export functionality of monitoring data allows you to smash the silos in your organization and to improve the information flow between operators and developers,” according to the project’s website.
InspectIT works with Windows, Linux and MacOs.
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