AppNeta, the leader in performance insight for business-critical web applications, today announced it is the first SaaS-delivered Application Performance Monitoring (APM) provider to support PHP 7 in production. Web developers can now use AppNeta’s APM solutions to isolate and fix performance issues for environments created with the newest, highest-performing version of one of the most common languages on the internet.
PHP, the language behind more than 80 percent of the Internet, powers more than 200 million websites. PHP 7, the first major update in more than a decade, is up to twice as fast as PHP 5.6 (7.0’s predecessor) while also reducing memory usage by up to 50 percent. It also includes advancements such as the spaceship operator, scalar type definitions, and anonymous classes among others.
“As a company dedicated to improving performance, we’re excited by the promise of PHP 7. As developers continue to adopt or upgrade to this latest version, we’re going to see significant improvements in speed and user experience on the Web,” said Dan Kuebrich, AppNeta CTO. “By supporting PHP 7 soon after its introduction, our goal is to accelerate its adoption by empowering web developers with comprehensive APM solutions to mitigate performance issues.”
AppNeta “pierces the cloud” to provide deep visibility into the root of application performance issues, from the code-level through to the networks used to deliver them. For further information on PHP 7 support, please visit the AppNeta blog or go to