Heptio announced two new open source projects designed to improve Kubernetes operations, regardless of where a developer runs a cluster.
The first project is Heptio Ark, a utility for managing disaster recovery, specifically for Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes, writes Craig McLuckie, founder and CEO of Heptio. It gives users a way to backup and restore applications and PVs from a series of checkpoints.
“Not only does this tool make it easy to create backups of all cluster objects (pods, services, replica sets, etc.), but it also coordinates volume snapshotting in a way that maintains pod associations,” writes McLuckie. “You can then use a single command to quickly restore the entire cluster, or just a subset of it.”
Heptio Sonobuoy is the second open source project, and it’s a diagnostic tool that makes it easy to understand the state of a Kubernetes cluster by running a set of Kubernetes conformance tests in an accessible and non-destructive manner, writes McLuckie.
Users can customize, extend and generate informative reports about their cluster with Heptio Sonobuoy, regardless of their deployment details.
Sonobuoy also solves challenges around configuration with Kubernetes clusters, since it runs a subset of the tests used by the open source community in new Kubernetes version releases.
“Heptio Sonobuoy is intrinsically customizable. We expect that the types of tests users run to verify cluster interoperability will change over time; this was one of the primary design goals the project needed to address,” writes McLuckie. “Plugin support allows developers and operators to extend the system with additional tests.”
Heptio plans to continue its work to make upstream Kubernetes accessible, but developers and the open source community can get started with both Ark and Sonobuoy in the meantime.