Data requirements are constantly changing. As a result, organizations are adopting NoSQL databases to accommodate an expanding number of data models. Some companies are adopting multiple NoSQL databases to suit their growing number of use cases. Meanwhile, Couchbase, FairCom and LexisNexis Risk Solutions are delivering hybrid solutions that are streamlining and redefining the ways organizations leverage data.
Couchbase Server
Couchbase is the company behind the Couchbase open-source project. It also offers a commercial product called Couchbase Server, which combines a key-value store with a JSON document store, a mobile JSON document store, and caching. Couchbase Server combines “the best” parts of Memcached and Apache CouchDB with proprietary innovations to deliver a single solution that consolidates the caching tier, the key-value tier, and the document tier. Apparently the approach is working as evidenced by the company’s 400% growth in the last year.
“It’s a unique proposition, and our customers are finding out it’s a great fit. I don’t think anyone wants to use five different systems to do five different things,” said Rahim Yaseen, senior vice president of products at Couchbase. “Today we are looking at very social, very unstructured, machine-generated data at consumer Internet scale. When you get to enterprise-level and large Internet company-level adoptions, it becomes a question of performance and scale.”
Organizations choose Couchbase Server for its easy scalability, consistent high performance, 24×365 availability and flexible data model. The product has become popular among social and online gaming developers, advertising agencies, telecommunication service providers, ecommerce companies, social networking companies, and media and publishing companies that are building interactive Web and mobile applications.
FairCom c-treeACE
Commercial developers have been using FairCom’s data management technology since 1979. Its impressive customer base now spans 100 countries on four continents, including a third of the Fortune 100. All of them rely on c-treeACE to deliver the highest degree of performance, scalability, data access control and data integrity. C-treeACE is a key-value store and a fully consistent NoSQL transactional database that provides SQL capabilities on top of its NoSQL core technologies.
“c-treeACE is the most robust and mature transactional NoSQL database available on the market,” said Evaldo de Oliveira, business development director at FairCom. “Supporting transactions introduces some complexity to the NoSQL world. It usually means giving up being eventually consistent and horizontally scalable.”
c-treeACE uniquely overcomes these challenges. Many important authorization systems are taking advantage of c-treeACE’s key-value pair interface (ISAM) for fast performance. C-treeACE also supports horizontal and vertical scalability so customers can tailor their solutions to suit SLAs.
LexisNexis Risk Solutions HPCC
HPCC is a massive open-source parallel processing computing platform for Big Data problems that was originally developed and contributed by LexisNexis Risk Solutions. HPCC consists of a data refinery cluster (Thor), a query cluster (Roxie), and a programming language for Big Data manipulation (ECL). Like many NoSQL databases, it scales linearly across commodity hardware and integrates data storage with compute nodes to minimize movement across the system. However, because it is a programmable store, it can accommodate a variety of data models that lend themselves to row-oriented layouts, columnar layouts, adjacency tables (graphs) and more.
“We run very fast in cache. We compile all the code, including ECL, machine code and any other runtime abstraction that could create overhead,” said Flavio Villanustre, vice president of information security at LexisNexis Risk Solutions. “So if you compare HPCC to Hadoop, it’s 4x to 10x faster for the same amount of code. Unlike some of the newer NoSQL solutions, HPCC has been running in critical production systems for 15 years where 99.999* availability is required.”
LexisNexis Risk Solutions’ data services, risk scoring solutions and analytics are used by U.S. insurance agencies, banks, local governments, federal agencies, commercial organizations, and non-profits. Villanustre encouraged developers to download the HPCC source code, copy it, fork it, and otherwise contribute to it.
An introduction to NoSQLs can be found here. The Buyers Guide list of vendors can be found here.