In an effort to improve open-source skills in the IT sector, the University of Canberra and Instaclustr have formed the Open Source Institute (OpenSI).

OpenSI will focus on open source training, certification, and research and development. 

The first online course offered through OpenSI will be Developer Training and Certification for the event streaming platform Apache Kafka. This training will provide software engineers and system admins with the skills to develop and operate Apache Kafka.

The course will include interactive workshops, webinar, online forums, self-paced assignment, and assessments. There will also be an optional exam that can be taken to receive certification through OpenSI for Apache Kafka. 

Other courses are in the works for other open source technologies like Apache Cassandra, PostgreSQL, and Cadence. 

“There is a significant skills gap that needs to be filled regarding technology and digital literacy skills. Personnel to fill technology jobs will be in high demand over the next decade. Many businesses are only just starting to recognize the benefits of open source technologies, despite their widespread adoption and use by Fortune 100 companies,” Instaclustr wrote in a blog post