Topic: ai

Tricentis announces series of AI Copilots for its testing portfolio, starting with Testim Copilot

The testing company Tricentis has just announced the first in a series of AI copilots for its testing portfolio. The first solution is Testim Copilot, which adds AI capabilities to the automated testing platform Testim.  With Testim Copilot, users can input a text description of what they want to test and receive the JavaScript code … continue reading

New legislation would require companies to disclose that they are training AI models on copyrighted work

Last week, California Representative Adam Schiff introduced new legislation that would require companies to be more upfront and transparent with consumers when they train generative AI models using copyrighted work. The Generative AI Copyright Disclosure Act would make it so that companies need to submit a notice to the Register of Copyrights before they release … continue reading

OpenAI’s Assistants API update adds new file search tool and ability to set maximum token limits

OpenAI has just announced a few new updates to its Assistants API, which is an API that makes it possible for developers to build AI assistants into their applications.  The API now includes a file search tool that allows up to 10,000 files per assistant, and can enable developers to integrate knowledge retrieval into their … continue reading

JetBrains aims to improve developer productivity with launch of IDE Services

JetBrains is attempting to make it easier for developers to manage different development tools with the release of JetBrains IDE Services.  “Due to complex environments and distributed engineering teams, enterprise customers struggle to efficiently and securely deploy and manage IDEs, AI tools, and remote environments all at once. These struggles naturally slow businesses down and … continue reading

Intel unveils Gaudi 3 processors as part of its AI strategy

At Intel Vision 2024, Intel had a lot to say about AI and what it’s been working on in that area. The company announced a new AI accelerator called Gaudi 3, its plans to collaborate on an open platform for enterprise AI, and next generation processors. Gaudi 3 uses Ethernet to connect tens of thousands … continue reading

Google announces two new variants of Gemma: CodeGemma and RecurrentGemma

Google has announced that it is extending the Gemma family of AI models with two new variants, one for code generation and one for inference.  For code generation, it is releasing CodeGemma, which provides intelligent code completion and generation. It is capable of producing entire blocks of code at a time, Google claims.  According to … continue reading

Microsoft opens AI Hub in London

Microsoft has announced it is creating a new location in London for AI research. This follows the company’s announcement that it had created a new division in the company called Microsoft AI that is focused on building out its commercial AI offerings, such as Copilot. The new location will focus on innovating on large language … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Mojo

Mojo is a programming language designed to combine the performance of C and the usability of Python, for the purposes of AI related initiatives and tasks, which require a high-performance system.  Last week, the company behind Mojo, Modular, announced that it would be open-sourcing the core modules of the language using the Apache 2 license.  … continue reading

JetBrains releases 2024.1 editions of its IDEs, adding support for local full-line autocompletion

JetBrains has announced that in the latest release of its IDEs, 2024.1, it has enabled full-line autocompletion. This is powered by AI models that run locally, which keeps data processing on device.  “We’ve developed models that run directly on your device, and the IDE verifies each suggestion,” explained Mikhail Kostyukov, product manager on the machine … continue reading

Cloudflare hopes to offer most affordable solution for running inference with general availability of Workers AI

Cloudflare has announced that Workers AI is now generally available. Workers AI is a solution that allows developers to run machine learning models on the Cloudflare network. The company says its goal is for Workers AI to be the most affordable solution for running inference. To make that happen, it made some optimizations since the … continue reading

Securiti expands Compliance Management platform to include EU AI Act, NIST AI Framework, and more

The data control and compliance company Securiti has just announced it expanded its compliance solution, Securiti Compliance Management, to include the requirements of the EU’s recently passed AI Act, the NIST AI Risk Management Framework, and the Singapore Model AI Governance Framework.  The company hopes that its latest update will make it easier for companies … continue reading

ChatGPT no longer requires users to sign up

OpenAI is opening up ChatGPT to more users by enabling use of the platform without needing to create an OpenAI account.  “It’s core to our mission to make tools like ChatGPT broadly available so that people can experience the benefits of AI. More than 100 million people across 185 countries use ChatGPT weekly to learn … continue reading

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