Topic: amazon

Report: Developers are not clear on how to get involved in the open-source community

After 20 years, the open-source community is stronger than ever. However, a recent report found developers wish they had more time and know-how to contribute to open-source projects. According the report, respondents don’t quite know where to begin and start to question their skills and time. Additionally, developers say they are either too intimidated to … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Alexa Gadgets Toolkit, Electron 3.0.0, and GitHub Experiments

Amazon has released Alexa Gadgets Toolkit, a new tool that enables developers to build accessories that pair to Echo devices via Bluetooth to extend Alexa’s capabilities. The number of available interfaces will expand, but currently developers can leverage wake word detection, speech, notifications, timers, alarms, and reminders. According to Amazon, the first products that utilize … continue reading

Amazon Aurora Serverless now generally available

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced a new serverless solution for starting, scaling and shutting down database capacity. Amazon Aurora Serverless was first announced as a preview last year at re:Invent. The solution is now generally available, and designed as an on-demand, auto-scaling service without having to provision, scale and manage servers. “More and more … continue reading

premium Rethinking the way you build software with serverless

The way software is built is constantly changing to meet the ongoing pressure of getting to the market faster and keeping up with the competition. The software development industry has gone from waterfall to Agile, from agile to DevOps, from DevOps to DevSecOps, and from monolithic applications to microservices and containers. Today, a new approach … continue reading

SD Times news digest: The Linux Foundation’s blockchain courses, Alexa Skills Kit SDK for Python, and Instana’s sample microservice application

The Linux Foundation has announced enrollment is now open for a new blockchain training course and a Blockchain for Business professional certificate program that are being offered through edX. The course and certificate program will teach students about the impact of blockchain technology and a way of demonstrating that knowledge. “In the span of only … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Amazon Polly voices, Pluralsight’s IPO, and Samsung ARTIK partnerships

Amazon has announced that Alexa skills developers will be able to use eight US English Amazon Polly voices in Alexa skills. Amazon Polly is a text-to-speech service that uses deep learning to synthesize human speech, allowing developers to build applications that talk. Developers will be able to add different voices within a skill to create … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Amazon Sumerian, Google Hangouts chatbots, and Looker’s new data science tools

Amazon announced the general availability of the Amazon Sumerian VR, AR and 3D application development tool yesterday. Originally announced in November, the tool aims to lower the barrier of entry for developers who want to get started making VR, AR and 3D experiences. “You can create realistic virtual environments and scenes without having to acquire … continue reading

Talend announces free data streaming application

Cloud and big data integration solution provider Talend announced Talend Data Streams during its Talend Connect US event in New York today. Built on Amazon Web Services, Data Streams is a free, single-user application that aims to drastically simplify and speed up the ingestion of mass and varied data. When developing Talend Data Streams, Talend … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Amazon gives Alexa developers an opportunity to make money, Google’s new build and versioning scheme, and Visual Studio Code 1.23

Amazon is giving Alexa developers a chance to make money with the announcement of new forms of monetization. According to the company, this would help bring new, engaging and high quality experiences in front of customers while providing developers with ways to earn money for their skills. First, developers can start making money by selling … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Fedora 28, MIPI System Software Trace, and Compute Optimized Gen2 tier of Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Red Hat has announced the latest release of the open-source Linux-based OS for developer desktops, Fedora 28. Fedora 28 features Fedora 28 Server, Fedora 26 Workstation and Fedora 28 Atomic Host. The Fedora 28 base package features updated compilers and languages as well as the latest versions of the GNU Compiler Collection 8, Golong 1.10 … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Amazon adds memory to Alexa, Oath pays $400,000 to hackers, Google launches new credits program for researchers, Linux Foundation welcomes 41 new members

Amazon had announced the addition of memory capabilities to its artificial intelligence, Alexa. It can remember any information for you so that you will not forget. The company also plans to add deep learning models to the spoken language understanding of Alexa. “We’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what’s possible,” said Ruhi Sarikaya … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Scala 3.0 plans, Amazon Skill Blueprints, and Oculus updates privacy for GDPR

The Scala programming language team has announced plans for its 3.0 release. Currently the team is working on Scala 2.13, which is expected to be released in a couple of months, but says it is time to look towards future releases. Scala 3.0 is expected to be released shortly after version 2.14, which at the … continue reading

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