After Microsoft’s surprise reveal of Windows Holographic and HoloLens, the Star Wars metaphors began to fly, with “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope” quotes lighting up social media. For us, a different reference came to mind: “Pay no attention to the OS behind the hologram…” Two-thirds of the way through a relatively unexciting … continue reading
Happy Almost 2015, GitHubbers! To cap off the year in GitHub, we have the Top 5 projects of the month of December. I wanted to do the Top 5 of 2014, but alas the GitHub trending feature doesn’t have a yearly time span option. #1: io.js, the month’s most popular project providing evented I/O for … continue reading
Mozilla is creating a developer-dedicated browser. In a vague announcement on The Mozilla Blog, the company teased how it has unleashed the developer tools team on the entire browser to “rethink how Firefox can debug the whole Web.” “We’ve redesigned the browser by looking at it through a completely new filter to put developers’ interests … continue reading
Microsoft has weathered the storm of Windows 8 criticism for more than two years, amid a tectonic shift away from desktop computing. Windows 10 is the company’s life raft, or at least that’s what it’s perceived to be. The truth is, as important as Windows 10 is to Microsoft’s future, the company’s flagship product is … continue reading
Recent changes from Satya Nadella in cloud, open source and the desktop indicate Microsoft is correcting its course … continue reading