Topic: digital transformation

Accelerating digital transformation means creating a great engineering culture

It is no surprise that the rapid acceleration of technology and the growing inventory of tools at our disposal means software engineers need to start rethinking the way we harness existing and emerging resources to develop the next cutting-edge infrastructure that transforms financial services.  To transform with success and grow, collaboration is key. Collaboration not … continue reading

Broadcom’s Value Stream Management Virtual Summit: Learn how VSM delivers visibility, alignment and efficiency

Learn how value stream management (VSM) can provide visibility into your processes, help you align them to meet your goals, and gain efficiencies at Broadcom’s VSM Virtual Summit on April 24. Recent research has shown VSM plays a critical role in ensuring that going fast and delivering more frequently also delivers a product that actually … continue reading

Best practices for achieving offshoring and nearshoring success

Despite efficiency improvements, the need for skilled personnel persists, making it difficult for companies to meet the high expectations for rapid software development.  This situation, characterized by a talent shortage coupled with pressure to deliver software quickly presents an ideal opportunity for offshoring and nearshoring tech talent as a solution, according to Leo Tucker, CEO … continue reading

Unqork launches codeless IDE and Integration Gateway

Codeless platform Unqork has announced its codeless IDE called UDesigner and Integration Gateway. UDesigner enables cross-functional teams to create future-proof applications faster, and Integration Gateway simplifies digital transformation by securely integrating with over 700 third-party systems. UDesigner offers an extensive IDE experience with features like assisted development, customization, and best practice guidance. It facilitates collaboration … continue reading announces newest version of AI-Powered DevOps Platform

Today, the digital transformation company announced the Banff release of its AI-Powered DevOps Platform. This release brings users expanded intelligence, automation, and collaboration in order to help companies accelerate their digital transformation.  According to, with this latest version, public sector and enterprise organizations can speed up delivery while still managing risks and focusing … continue reading

Do you use what you sell?

Digital transformation can profoundly change not just a company’s technology, but its processes, culture, and people, too. As B2B solution providers, we should have deep insight into how our work affects the customer organizations we serve—and that insight starts in our own operations. What would you think of a marketing agency that didn’t understand its … continue reading

Digital Transformation Success Demands Digital Assurance: A Manifesto

Digital transformation continues to change the way organizations operate. With an ever-increasing reliance on data, connectivity, and innovative technologies, digital trust remains at the forefront of the global economy. A secure, trusted digital environment correlates with higher levels of digital maturity, as shown in a recent HBR study. Having confidence in data enables business leaders … continue reading

Transferring workload automation is one of the most difficult parts of cloud migration

Enterprises need workload automation to connect all of the business processes of an organization together, but tool overlap has resulted in a complicated web that is difficult to break free from when trying to migrate.   While workload automation is one of the older categories within automation, the space is now evolving towards more consolidation as … continue reading

Optimize data transfer and integrate file transfer in your automation workflows

Workload automation is a critical piece of digital transformation. It can enable practitioners to schedule and execute business process workflows, optimize data transfer and processing and cut down on errors and delays in execution of the business processes themselves.  Businesses currently have three main approaches to modernization and digital transformation. One is that they are … continue reading

Remember ‘people over processes’

Here we are, late January, with a “bomb cyclone” weather pattern about to drop a foot or more of snow on us here in New York. What better time to hunker down and reflect on the last year and to determine what is really important in the year ahead? Many – if not most – … continue reading

Digital architects rose to the challenge – So must databases

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated some digital aspirations and projects, and slammed the brakes on others. A recent Couchbase report reveals that roughly a third of companies interviewed are delaying legacy database upgrades because of the pandemic. A slightly larger group, some 34%, say it has had the opposite effect. Architects bear much of the … continue reading

3 common process automation mistakes (and how to fix them)

Like their cloud-native counterparts, many large or longstanding enterprises aspire to automate as much of their operations as possible. As a result, many of them get overly ambitious with their process automation goals, and attempt to roll out sweeping, company-wide digital transformation initiatives. While ambition is a good thing, many of these initiatives take years … continue reading

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