Topic: github

SD Times GitHub project of the week: Downshift

When Paypal realized they’d need a versatile item selection solution for their site, engineer Kent C. Dodds sat down and came up with Downshift. Downshift is a set of primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete/dropdown/select/combobox components. It will be rolled out on next week, but in a post on Medium, Dodds outlined … continue reading

Black Duck Hub

Black Duck’s Hub Detect, NVIDIA’s Quadro vDWS, and Bitcoin hits new record — SD Times news digest: August 18, 2017

The amount of package managers and CI tools has grown over the years, and as a result, there is an additional need for DevOps automation. With Black Duck’s new release of Hub Detect, the company wants to simplify and streamline open source management for DevSecOps, and simplify integration into a DevOps toolchain. Hub Detect ensures the … continue reading


SD Times GitHub project of the week: Faraday Motion’s PACER

Compact electric vehicles can be a great alternative for urban commuters concerned with crowded roads and carbon emissions. With Pacer, Faraday Motion wants to provide a set of standard, modular components paired with open-source software for developers and makers to create affordable and simple electric vehicles. The “brain” behind the Berlin-based startup’s modular hardware is … continue reading

SD Times GitHub project of the week: Awesome Hacking

When we hear the word hacker today, our minds often wander. We end up picturing a creepy person in dark clothing, in a dark room, maliciously gaining unauthorized access to systems in corporations and governments. While hacker is synonymous with “criminal” or “bad-guy/girl,” there are all kind of hackers in the hacker community. A trending GitHub … continue reading

SD Times GitHub project of the week: NetBox

DigitalOcean’s network engineer Jeremy Stretch was on a mission to find a provider-grade IP address management solution. The search was unsuccessful, so Stretch and his team set out to build the cloud company’s most popular open source project, NetBox. NetBox was first announced in June 2016, and it is targeted toward network engineers, data center … continue reading

How GitHub developed its Topics feature

GitHub shared the technology that went into developing Topics, it’s recently launched feature that lets developers tag repositories with descriptive words or phrases. The ultimate goal is to make it easy for developers to discover new projects and to explore GitHub. Topics is GitHub’s first machine learning project in production, and it’s the first of … continue reading

Developer creates petition to open source Flash specification

Adobe announced its plans to kill Flash, and while most developers and Internet users understand and accept this decision, not everyone wants to see Flash Player disappear forever. Over the last few years, HTML5 has given companies the ability to create rich browser experiences, without the need of Adobe Flash Player. As a result, the … continue reading

New GitHub features focus on open source community

GitHub is adding new features and improvements to help build and grow open source communities. According to the organization, open source thrives on teamwork, and members need to be able to easily contribute and give back. The new features are centered around contributing, open source licensing, blocking, and privacy. New contributor badges are designed to … continue reading

Apollo Server 1.0, GitHub’s Internet Bug Bounty donation, and the Google Cloud Platform — SD Times news digest: July 21, 2017

A new GraphQL server is now available for all Node.js frameworks. Apollo Server is a open-source GraphQL server that is community-maintained and works across: Express, Connect, Hapi, Joa, AWS Lambda, Restify and Micro. The Apollo team announced version 1.0 of the server this week. It is built for the community, for simplicity and for performance. … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: CatBoost

The artificial intelligence community is getting a new machine learning library to boost their research efforts. Yandex announced the open source of CatBoost this week. Despite its name, CatBoost has nothing to do with cats. Instead, it has to do with gradient boosting. “Gradient boosting is a machine learning algorithm that is widely applied to … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Project Apollo

Just like the Apollo space program put the first human on the Moon, Baidu’s Project Apollo is ready to advance the realm of possibilities for human travel. Baidu isn’t focused on sending humans to the moon, but with it’s open source Project Apollo, the mission is to get vehicles to drive themselves. SD Times first … continue reading

GitHub introduces code owners for code review

Determining who should review files for code review is not always clear, which is why GitHub is introducing code owners, a new feature that automatically requests reviews from the code owners when a pull request changes any owned files. This feature lets repository maintainers define the exact people and teams who need to review projects, … continue reading Protection Status