Topic: ken schwaber

A look at the Nexus Framework

Nexus, created by Scrum co-creator Ken Schwaber and his team, extends Scrum to guide multiple Scrum teams on how they need to work together to deliver working software in every Sprint. It shows the journey these teams take as they come together, how they share work between teams, and how they manage and minimize … continue reading

The Scrum Guide gets more clarity

Scrum co-creators Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland are making new updates to The Scrum Guide to promote flexibility and clarity within the Scrum framework. The updated guide will now clear up common Scrum miscommunications about the framework, and provide a better understanding of Scrum inspection and adaptation. “As new technologies and practices have evolved over … continue reading

This is how you enterprise Scrum

It’s been almost 20 years since the term “enterprise Scrum” was coined, but despite the years of practice, organizations still don’t quite understand what it is or how to implement it. “There are a lot of users out there doing the technique, but unfortunately there is a large percentage that still doesn’t understand what it … continue reading

Scaling enterprise agile

For years businesses have been practicing agile, seeing notable success in time to market, productivity and creativity at the team level. Now they want to expand the scope of those benefits. If you asked development teams a year or two ago to identify the biggest agile obstacle, most of them would have said getting management … continue reading


Scrum’s creators seek definitive place for Scrum knowledge

Searching the Web to find information can be a daunting task. The Internet provides a wealth of information, but it also provides information overload, making it hard for a user to decipher what website is the most relevant, or even most accurate. Just searching for the framework Scrum will generate about 2,360,000 hits from Google and … continue reading

Scrum means being incremental

Ken Schwaber says it’s not just a methodology, but a set of values that can be applied to any industry … continue reading Protection Status