Topic: open source

SD Times news digest: Oct. 30, 2014—Microsoft Band, Facebook’s Osquery and Adobe’s Spindle

The rumors turned out to be true. Microsoft has officially entered the health-tracking wearable market, releasing the Microsoft Band smartwatch and Microsoft Health service. Available cross-platform on Android, iOS and Windows Phone, Microsoft Band and Health can track and provide insights into a user’s heart rate, steps, calorie burning and sleep patterns. Microsoft Health also works with … continue reading

TIBCO announces open-source version of TIBCO Jaspersoft 5.6

Palo Alto, CA- TIBCO Software Inc., a global leader in infrastructure and business intelligence software, today announced the open source release of version 5.6 of the company’s award-winning TIBCO Jaspersoft business intelligence platform, available for free download on the Jaspersoft Community site. This new version includes several product updates, including new Big Data connectors, interactive … continue reading

Open-source JavaScript platform Meteor turns 1

The open-source platform for building Web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript has finally reached version 1.0. Meteor was launched in 2012 to make writing software simpler, and since then it has been slowly working towards version 1.0. Meteor 0.9.4 was just released earlier this month. “It’s time for a new way to write software … continue reading

Top 5 projects trending on GitHub this week

#1: Material Design Icons Developers and app designers have gone so crazy over Material Design, Google decided to open-source the icons itself. These official open-source icons featured in Google’s Material Design specification include SVG versions of all icons in both 24px and 48px flavors, SVG and CSS sprites of all icons, and separate versions of the icons targeted … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Oct. 23, 2014—Google partners with Oxford University and Ebay open sources Kylin

Google partners with Oxford University on artificial intelligence research Google is advancing its artificial intelligence research. The company recently announced DeepMind’s plans to work with two of Oxford’s artificial research teams. The teams will work toward enabling machines to better understand its users. “These exciting partnerships underline how committed Google DeepMind is to supporting the … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Oct. 17, 2014—Google Glass addiction, OpenStack’s Juno, Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 RC and Docker 1.3

Man diagnosed with Google Glass addiction Doctors from the Naval Medical Center San Diego have reported what they say is the first case of Internet addiction disorder (IAD) involving the Google Glass. IAD is the problematic use of online video games, computer use and mobile handheld devices. “While not officially a clinical diagnosis according to … continue reading

Top 5 projects trending on GitHub this week

#1: PerfMap This front-end performance heat map from Mark Zeman is a bookmarklet to of resources loaded in the browser using the Resource Timing API. Once installed, the bookmarklet overlays a performance heatmap over the web page to indicate user experience with interactive timing when the mouse hovers over a particular spot. PerfMap is only available on … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Oct. 15, 2014—Google’s Android Lollipop, Microsoft and Xamarin expand .NET Foundation and IBM’s IoT Foundation

Google announces Android Lollipop We finally know what the “L” stands for. Google announced its next mobile operating system, Android 5.0, will be codenamed Lollipop, and ship on the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 in November. Google first announced Android “L” back in June at Google I/O, releasing a developer preview with more than 5,000 … continue reading

Linux launches open-source platform for drones

The Linux Foundation, along with leading technology companies, has launched an open-source software initiative for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The Dronecode Project is designed to bring resources and tools to developers in order to help them innovate and advance affordable and reliable drones. “Open-source software and collaborative development are advancing technologies in the hottest, most … continue reading

SD Times news digest: October 8, 2014—GitHub’s Student Developer Pack, IBM releases Watson APIs, Facebook’s open-source Chef tools

The GitHub Student Developer Pack GitHub has partnered with a host of commercial and open-source platforms to release the GitHub Student Developer Pack. The developer pack provides students with free access to developer tools. “There’s no substitute for hands-on experience, but for most students, real world tools can be cost prohibitive,” John Britton, education liaison … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Oct. 3, 2014—MIT’s Laboratory of Social Machines, and Microsoft’s Elastic Scale preview

Twitter invests in MIT laboratory Twitter is giving the MIT Media Lab US$10 million to create the Laboratory for Social Machines (LSM). The laboratory is a part of a five-year initiative to develop new technologies based on semantic and social patterns across mass media, social media, data streams and digital content. The LSM will explore … continue reading

Guest View: How to build a flourishing open-source community

Open source has gone not just mainstream but global and prime time, and it is therefore getting harder and harder to grab the focus of developers. They are so swamped by technologies and vendors, all queuing up to entice them with the latest project, that they know they can pick and choose where want to … continue reading Protection Status