Topic: parasoft

A guide to continuous testing tools

CA Technologies: Only CA delivers next-generation, integrated solutions that enable test environment simulation; automatic test case creation, even from requirements; on-demand test data management; orchestration that progresses applications from phase to phase based upon the passing of test cases; SaaS-based performance testing; and open source integrations with tools like JMeterTM, Jenkins, Selenium, Appium, and more. … continue reading

What makes your continuous testing solution stand out?

With the vast majority of continuous testing solutions available on the market, we asked leading vendors why developers should consider their product. RELATED CONTENT: Continuous testing in a fast-paced agile and DevOps world Aruna Ravichandran, vice president of DevOps product and solutions marketing at CA Technologies: Our goal at CA Technologies is to help organizations … continue reading

Continuous testing in a fast-paced agile and DevOps world

In a world where businesses not only have to become software companies to compete, but deliver higher quality software to market faster, what does this mean for testing? Businesses and software teams have become so concerned with developing and delivering in an agile fashion, they have had to stop and rethink their entire testing process. … continue reading

Visual Studio 2017 gets new integrations

Now that Visual Studio 2017 is officially generally available, companies are making sure they add to support to their existing solutions. JNBridge announced the release of JNBridgePro 8.1 to ensure compatibility with VS2017. JNBridge Pro connects any Java and .NET framework-based components so they work together, and delivers full access to .NET classes from Java … continue reading

Avoiding the pitfalls of automated testing

Companies today are like teenagers learning how to drive; there’s a lot of stop and go, and a strong desire to go fast. While it’s necessary for organizations to find a solution that fits their agile transformation, experts suggest there is no need to rush. Before getting the green light to go to market, teams … continue reading

Testing in production comes out of the shadows

For enterprise testing organizations, the world of software development is somewhat similar to the world of legalized marijuana. There’s a saying in the legal pot world: “Out of the shadows and into the light.” This is used to describe the way users of illegal weed are now able to come out of hiding and talk … continue reading

Don’t let testing stop your agility

Agile is no longer a long sought-after dream for businesses. It is no longer a secret weapon for organizations that wish to stay ahead of the curve. Agile, for the most part, is the modern way of working. By now, most organizations know the purpose of agile: to build higher-quality software faster. But in order … continue reading

Building up service virtualization

Service virtualization has gotten the short shrift over the course of its lengthy history. Whether you chart its inception in 2002 with the release of Parasoft’s Stub Server, or in 2007 when CA took up the banner and market around the term, the entire concept has yet to even take on the status of buzzword. … continue reading

Parasoft aims to provide more insight into software quality in DTP

With the pressures to get software to market faster, Parasoft wants to help developers detect and fix risks as fast as possible. The company just announced the latest release of its Development Testing Platform (DTP), designed to ensure quality doesn’t get lost in the life cycle. “Not only must software get out the door fast, … continue reading

New Parasoft Release Enables Continuous Testing and Significantly Expands Test Coverage and Traceability

Monrovia, CA –Parasoft announced today the release of a consolidated platform uniting API testing, service virtualization, and test environment management. The new product capabilities allow an organization to “shift left” the testing effort and accelerate the SDLC to meet the growing time-to-market pressure for software applications. Parasoft’s enterprise-grade API Testing solution for testing end-to-end transactions … continue reading

Testing in a modern, mobile and agile world

Test early and test often is a mantra every tester these days is familiar with, but with the advent of mobile and methodologies such as DevOps and agile, testing can get lost. “Organizations are expected to put code out faster, and there are pressures to do that, said Kyle Cochran, vice president of product management … continue reading

Visual Studio 2013: The Buyers Guide

Companies weigh in on Visual Studio 2013, and we list companies and products you should consider … continue reading Protection Status