Apache APISIX, the cloud-native API gateway used to handle interface traffic for web, mobile, and IoT applications, just reached Top-Level Project status at the Apache Software Foundation. Apache APISIX is based on Nginx and etcd. “Thanks to the help of our mentors, contributors and the Apache Incubator, Apache APISIX has now graduated as a Top-Level … continue reading
Altova announced the release of MobileTogether 7.0, a low code app development framework that introduced a new debugger for testing and troubleshooting app behavior during development in addition to numerous tools for defining controls, actions and UI refinements. “Developers who are building highly sophisticated apps and solutions need the ability to troubleshoot throughout the development … continue reading
The Six Pillars of DevSecOps: Automation paper published by the Cloud Security Alliance provides a holistic framework for facilitating security automation within DevSecOps as well as best practices. “It’s vital that today’s DevOps teams be agile, able to address user requirements dynamically, release features incrementally, and deliver at a faster pace than their predecessors and … continue reading
ShiftLeft has announced an updated version of its NextGen Static Analysis solution. The release features new workflows designed to help developers improve security and enhance productivity. According to the company, developer productivity suffers when security isn’t automated or integrated into the life cycle. A recent ShiftLeft survey found 96% of developers felt a disconnect between … continue reading
Today, Apple’s virtual WWDC 20 keynote event revealed that all Apple Macs launching after 2022 will be powered by a custom processor as well as other incremental updates to its software lineup. “At Apple, integrating hardware and software is fundamental to everything we do…and silicon is at the heart of our hardware,” Tim Cook, CEO … continue reading
Android 11 Beta is now available for early adopters and developers, offering new ways to connect devices and media and significantly improving privacy settings. “You can now quickly access and control your smart devices in one place by long pressing on the power button,” Dave Burke, vice president of Android engineering, wrote in a post. … continue reading
Chef announced new capabilities designed to enable coded enterprises to build competitive advantage through automation and DevSecOps innovations. “Since our last ChefConf, we have been intensely focused on harnessing our long experience in operating at massive scale and speed while enabling unprecedented ease of use,” said Barry Crist, the CEO of Chef. The new Chef … continue reading
Linux 5.7 is now available. The updated version includes many changes such as ‘mmc: sdhci: Fix SDHCI_QUIRK_BROKEN_CQE,’ ‘copy_xstate_to_kernel(): don’t leave parts of destination uninitialized’ and the fixed Fix max PFN arithmetic overflow on 32 bit systems,’ among many others. The shortlog available here includes the changes that came in this last week since rc7. Aqua … continue reading
Mozilla, Reddit, Twitter, Patreon, and other other tech companies are pushing for the House of Representatives to consider the Wyden/Daines amendment when they look at the USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act. The amendment would expressly prohibit the use of Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act for the warrantless collection of search and browsing history. The … continue reading
With November’s election approaching, election security is something many people are already starting to think about. Data verification company Melissa has announced that it will be offering free data optimization services that will improve registered voter rolls and encourage fair election processes. According to Melissa, the combination of increasing numbers of vote-by-mail options and an … continue reading
A few months ago, before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, the near-term future of the smartphone seemed obvious. We were moving to foldable devices with the only question being whether these devices would unfold to get to tablet size (Samsung) or fold down to fit better in your pocket (Samsung, Motorola). But with the collapse … continue reading
Cloudera announced an expanded set of machine learning capabilities is now available in the Cloudera Machine Learning (CML). Capabilities include new MLOps features and Cloudera SDX for models. “Data scientists, machine learning engineers, and operators can collaborate in a single unified solution, drastically reducing time to value and minimizing business risk for production machine learning … continue reading