Telerik, a software provider of testing applications and agile development management programs, announced the release of two products this week. On Monday, Telerik released Test Studio, an automated testing solution that tests both Web and desktop applications. Today, it released a new version of TeamPulse, an agile project management tool.
Test Studio, formerly WebUI Test Studio, now includes support for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) desktop applications as well as Web application testing, according to Todd Anglin, Telerik’s chief evangelist.
The new release has added support for AJAX, HTML, Silverlight and WPF desktop applications, Anglin said. The application also supports Silverlight, HTML and AJAX application testing.
TeamPulse’s release also includes integration with Test Studio, which allows user stories to be linked with test cases and catalogued throughout the design process. TeamPulse also includes reporting capabilities, My Perspective view, a bug-tracking module, and a TaskBoard to track individual projects.
“QA teams can generate reports against the results delivered by TeamPulse and can look at historical results to see how the quality [of the code] has changed over time,” Anglin said.
The My Perspective view in TeamPulse allows for each team member to view his or her assigned tasks, bugs and progress in a streamlined screen. The managers can also track individual team-member progress and determine what percentage of the project still needs to be completed, according to Anglin.
Additionally, the TaskBoard in TeamPulse allows team members to keep track of tasks, stories and workflow on a virtual whiteboard, which can be used in Scrum meetings as well.