JavaScript is one of the most popular programming language in the world. There are approximately 21 million developers worldwide using the language as their number one choice. That is about 70 percent of the world’s developer population, according to Progress.
Pluralsight’s Technology Index recently found that JavaScript was on the top 10 list of in-demand developer languages, tools and frameworks. The language also appears on the top 10 TIOBE programming languages month after month. On top of all that, the ever-changing ecosystem of JavaScript frameworks provide a wide range of JavaScript flavors for developers to consume.
However, despite all of the language’s progress and growth, many developers have said they are dealing with JavaScript fatigue. JavaScript fatigue refers to the inability to keep up with the latest tools, the fear of becoming obsolete, the constant change of the ecosystem, and the overwhelming choice, according to the security company Auth0.
In the 2017 State of JavaScript survey, 32 percent of respondents stated that “The JavaScript ecosystem is changing too fast.”
However, Todd Anglin, vice president of product and developer relations at Progress, says the fatigue isn’t really with the language itself, but rather the hype around the language.
“I think the fatigue is really with the different religions so to speak battling to say whose framework is best,” he said. “We see all these frameworks emerge because everyone is bringing their religion to the language and recreating their vision of the world.”
Anglin described the JavaScript ecosystem as a melting pot. “Everyone has come from somewhere, whether it is Java, .NET or Ruby. Developers have all brought their preferred patterns to JavaScript and they all want to recreate those patterns in this new language, so what you often find is JavaScript libraries are born from the language camp the came before it,” he said.
This is not necessarily a bad thing, Anglin explained. Having a wide variety of frameworks enables a vibrant ecosystem where ideas can cross-pollinate. “You can settle into the part of the JavaScript world that makes sense to you, and not immerse yourself into the holy wars of which framework is the best,” he said.
Today, Anglin says the hype does match the reality of JavaScript. The language, tooling, debugging tools, performance and frameworks have all evolved to make JavaScript a rich ecosystem. “There is very little you can’t do at this point with JavaScript,” he explained. “When developers really sit down and work with modern JavaScript, both runtimes and toolings, they will find pretty quickly there is a very productive and powerful flow there.”
“It just creates this self-rewarding cycle of if I get into that community, it is going to give me the tools I need so I can create more tools. That … cycle has fed itself for a while now, and it is just a vibrant place to be. There are very little drawbacks or penalties for developing with JavaScript,” Anglin added.