This morning, Google announced that it has donated the source code and IP rights to two of the Instantiations tools it acquired in August. Google had already made the Instantiations product line available for free, and today’s move sends the code behind those tools to live on as new projects at the Eclipse Foundation.
Google is donating both CodePro Profiler and WindowBuilder. This includes the WindowBuilder Engine and designers for Swing and SWT, making for an entire GUI design tool chain within the Eclipse platform.
Mike Milinkovich, director of the Eclipse Foundation, said that “this is clearly a significant new project announcement, and very good news for Java developers using Eclipse. It has been impressive to see the continued growth and popularity of WindowBuilder, as this product has always filled a much-needed gap in the Eclipse offerings. We look forward to it appearing in an Eclipse release soon. We’re very pleased with Google’s generous support of Eclipse, and the Java developer community around the world.”
Genuitec, the company behind the MyEclipse distribution, will begin offering support for WindowBuilder in 2011, and will support GWT, Swing and SWT.
CodePro Profiler, on the other hand, is an Eclipse-based Java application profiling tool that helps developers identify performance issues early in the development cycle and find CPU and algorithmic bottlenecks, memory leaks, threading issues, and other concurrency-related problems that can slow down an application.
Developers looking for commercial support for CodePro Profiler will be able to sign up with Eclipse consulting firm OnPositive.