The Eclipse Foundation has just announced its largest release ever of Eclipse Temurin, which is an open source build of Java based on OpenJDK, otherwise known as Eclipse Adoptium. The new release supports 54 different platform and version combinations and five major versions of OpenJDK. According to the Eclipse Foundation, this flexibility highlights the organization’s … continue reading
Adoptium is an open-source project from the Eclipse Foundation that aims to provide Java developers with pre-built OpenJDK binaries. “Our goal is to meet the needs of both the Eclipse community and broader runtime users by providing a comprehensive set of technologies around runtimes for Java applications that operate alongside existing standards, infrastructures, and cloud … continue reading
The Android development team announced that it will be incorporating the Data safety form in Google Play Console. Additional guidance is also available in the help center, developer guide, Play Academy Course, and more. The rollout will happen gradually over the next few weeks as access is slowly expanded to everyone. In order to submit … continue reading
Sumo Logic recently highlighted new innovations to its Continuous Intelligence Platform as announced as a part of the keynote address at the company’s Illuminate user conference. The new enhancements surround DevSecOps use cases and enable universal data portability through open-source telemetry collection and real time advanced analytics. The updates made to the platform will allow … continue reading
SecretManagement 1.1 mostly includes updates to enable users operating in Constrained Language Mode (CLM). Microsoft also validated that only one of the community-published extension vaults was affected by the changes. SecretManagement is a module available on the PowerShell Gallery that enables users to have a common set of commands to store and retrieve secrets within … continue reading
The Eclipse Foundation has announced it launched a working group for Eclipse IDE. The Eclipse IDE Working Group will work to ensure the “continued evolution, adoption, and sustainability of the Eclipse IDE suite of products, related technologies, and ecosystem,” according to the Eclipse Foundation. The Eclipse IDE Working Group will offer governance, guidance, and funding … continue reading
The Eclipse Foundation has announced the release of Jakarta EE 9, which provides a new baseline for the evolution of the platform. According to the Eclipse Foundation, the major change in Jakarta EE 9 is the completion of the transition from the javax.* package namespace to the jakarta.* namespace. The foundation explained this namespace change … continue reading
Over the past 25 years, the Java tool landscape has changed quite a bit. As Java is such an integral part of many companies’ development environments, there are a lot of vendors who provide support for Java in the form of tools for working with Java. For example, over the years a number of companies … continue reading
The open-source JavaScript and WebAssembly engine has reached version 8.0. According to the team, V8 version 8 focuses on bug fixes and performance improvements. Some of the key improvements include: pointer compression, optimizations for higher-order builtins, optional chaining, nullish coalescing, and updates to the V8 API. The full list of improvements is available here. Dotscience … continue reading
The Eclipse Foundation is working to accelerate the commercial adoption and development of the Internet of Things. Through the Eclipse IoT initiative and Eclipse IoT Working Group, the foundation has been working with industry leaders to provide open-source, modular IoT architecture components. Since the working group was launched in IoT, the foundation has revealed it … continue reading
The Eclipse Foundation has announced the latest version of the Eclipse IDE. The Photon release is designed to expand on polyglot capabilities based on the Language Server Protocol plugins. “The Language Server Protocol (LSP) ecosystem delivers editing support for popular and emerging programming languages. Combined with the move to a quarterly rolling release cadence, the … continue reading
Parasoft says it is reducing the time it takes to do unit testing with the latest release of Jtest. Jtest is the company’s automated Java software testing and static analysis tool. According to the company, Jtest 10.4 increases code coverage while greatly reducing the time it takes to do unit testing compared to previous versions. … continue reading