The Android development team has announced changes being made in Google Play in order to allow users to discover and engage with high quality apps and games on large or foldable screens.
These changes are being introduced as three main updates: ranking and promotability changes, alerts for low quality apps, and device-specific ratings and reviews.
In the coming months, the team will be updating the featuring and ranking logic in Play on large screen devices. This works to prioritize high quality apps based on app quality guidelines. This update is intended to help users locate the apps that are best optimized for their device.
This update also brings a deeper investment in editorial content across Play to highlight apps that have been optimized for large screens.
The second update will change current alerts to users on large screens in order to help them manage their expectations for how apps will look and function after installation. This will help to let users know that certain apps may not work well on their large screen devices.
The team is currently working to provide additional communications on this change with more information to come later this year.
Finally, users will soon be able to see ratings and reviews split by device in order to help them make more informed decisions regarding the apps they choose to install.
With this, the default rating displayed in Play will be that of the device type the user is using in order to provide a better sense of what the experience will be with that app on their device. To preview this update, click here to find a device type breakdown in Play Console.
For more information on these new changes, see here.