Atrion, a leading IT services provider, will be participating in the upcoming SPTechCon. Atrion will be a Gold Sponsor of the event; the company will leverage the three-day conference to launch new services; and Senior Technical Director for Atrion’s SharePoint Practice, Jason Himmelstein, will be presenting as a SharePoint developer and user.
Leveraging the largest independent SharePoint conference as a launch pad, Atrion will unveil three new services to meet the next wave of enterprise-level business decision. The on-site conference booth will be a hub for dialogue, where Atrion experts will encourage conversation with attendees.
“High performing businesses are beginning to realize that the value from their IT investments is not just the technology itself, but also how users leverage it,” said Joshua Cliff, Director of Atrion’s Applications & Information Solutions.
“SPTechCon is one of the few opportunities for both businesses and IT professionals to understand the robust power of an enterprise platform and have a hands-on learning experience that can be mutually shared,” said Cliff. “Whether you have SharePoint or you don’t,” he said, “re-framing the conversation between business and IT is vital to any investment–and you can do that at SPTechCon.”
Taking place in the heart of Boston’s finance center, SPTechCon provides technical classes and tutorials for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from SharePoint experts, including SharePointMVPs and Certified SharePoint Professionals.
Providing networking opportunities with other professionals from around the globe, the conference includes SharePoint 101 sessions and test drives, an exhibit hall for SharePoint successes, “Ask the Expert” discussions, and presentations on governance, end-user adoption, master document management, and collaboration possibilities.
“Power from the SPTechCon event comes from how attendees turn around and utilize what they have learned and apply it in their own office environment,” said Jason Himmelstein, Senior  Technical Director of Atrion’s SharePoint Practice.
Himmelstein relayed an exchange he had with a finance manager who was initially reluctant to attend last year’s event. “After going through a project management class at the SharePoint conference, he was able to turn around and do more for his team by properly setting up simple capabilities that he had been unaware of before.”
Speaking on the diversity of SPTechCon attendees, Himmelstein said, “Their roles span the spectrum, from IT practitioners to business professionals; from end-users to developers.”
Jason Himmelstein will be giving two presentations at SPTechCon, “SharePoint Logging and Debugging: The Troubleshooter’s Best Friend” and “Office Web Apps Get the Spotlight in 2013.” Atrion will have a booth at the conference and our SharePoint experts will be present.