premium How security is playing catch-up to the Internet of Things

Smart homes. Smart cities. Smart factories. Intelligent cloud. Intelligent edge. While many still believe the Internet of Things has a way to go before we see widespread adoption, there is no questioning that it is here today. Some things are prototypes upon which larger deployments can be built, and some are already in wide use, … continue reading

Industry Watch: Software development still starts with requirements

How can companies know that their development process is on track, and that the product they’re developing is actually what they need to provide to customers? Scott Roth, CEO of Jama Software, believes predictive product development is essential for that. The key is visibility into your development processes, and comparing it to benchmarks – either … continue reading

Code analysis is about more than software

Static code analysis is usually thought of in terms of preventing vulnerabilities from existing in code. And, it’s thought of in terms of things like memory leaks and tainted data. But as businesses become more reliant than ever on software to drive their revenues, it is important to think about the damage these vulnerabilities can … continue reading

Digital transformation starts with culture

Digital transformation is one of those terms being bandied about from all corners of the IT universe, which makes it difficult to define, and even harder to understand what it means to successfully do it. One camp of thought is that it means becoming more agile in your development and business processes. Mirko Novakovic, CEO … continue reading

The 2018 SD Times Software Testing Showcase

These are many technologies available to organizations looking to bring their testing up to the speed of software development. Ensuring quality can no longer be the drag on software deployment, if businesses want to stay competitive and be able to take advantage of changes in their markets. Some are choosing continuous testing, while others are … continue reading

Industry Watch: Flowing value into your transformation

Every hundred years or so, it seems, we enter some new industrial age, and the way business works must change along with it. The Industrial Revolution led to the Age of Oil, followed by the Atomic Age and now we’re in the middle of a Digital Revolution. Change is always exciting, but painful, as companies … continue reading

Building better app experiences with focus on web technologies

AngularJS, the popular JavaScript library, was spawned from the idea of creating a framework with an application mentality for building experiences on the Web. Version 6 was released in May with a focus on the toolchain more so than the framework itself. According to Stephen Fluin, developer advocate at Google, the idea for Angular JS … continue reading

Web development tools, frameworks evolve quickly

Changes in technology have led to changes in how web applications are created. And that has caused some consternation among web developers. A decade ago, the development choice was to use .NET or Java, which meant WPF or ASP.NET for Microsoft developers. Java has been a bread-and-butter language for a long time, so that’s a … continue reading

Industry Spotlight: Qordoba brings contextual content to the fore

Different (key)strokes for different folks. That’s sort of the idea behind Qordoba, which has been created on the belief that application experiences should be more customized to the user, and that words — along with artificial intelligence — can and should be the driver of those experiences. Managing strings of text manually can be tedious, … continue reading

OpenMake spins out DeployHub into new company

OpenMake Software, the continuous build company, announced today it is spinning off its DeployHub business into a new company supporting the open-source community creating the project. DeployHub, according to its website, provides agentless and safe continuous software deployments. Tracy Ragan, CEO of OpenMake, said the goal of the spinoff is to provide freely available continuous … continue reading

Industry Watch: Open source has won the day

In February 2000, I had been covering the technology space for all of 2½ months. As the newly minted executive editor of the nearly minted SD Times, I was sent by then editor-in-chief Alan Zeichick to cover the Linux World Conference and Expo. He said I might be interested in seeing a different side of … continue reading

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