Cryptzone, the IT security and threat mitigation specialist, released version 4.14 of its Simple Encryption Platform (SEP) Client, delivering improved support for Microsoft software technologies, including Microsoft SharePoint 2013, Outlook 2013 and Windows 8. The integrated encryption platform enables organizations to secure digital information assets wherever they are stored or distributed.
New and Improved Client Functionality for SEP modules
Proxy support for SharePoint communication with  Secured eCollaboration required in enterprise installations;
Superior email encryption for Microsoft Outlook 2013;
Better graphics display and support for portable devices using Windows 8;
Office 365 and Exchange 2013 support for email encryption.
The Cryptzone release of the SEP Server 4.14 and Secured eCollaboration incorporates new concepts and feature improvements inspired by feedback from enterprise customers. They include a simpler automated installation process, user interface enhancements and an SDK, making it possible for the first time, to integrate other document classification systems into Secured eCollaboration for SharePoint.
New and Improved Server Functionality for Secured eCollaboration
Windows Powershell® installation script: The installation of Secured eCollaboration has been simplified through the introduction of a Windows Powershell® installation script for SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. Automating this process with more advanced and intelligent logic reduces the potential for administration errors during installation.
SDK developer toolkit: The new SDK enables developers to write custom conditions for Secured eCollaboration, so that a custom condition can be integrated with external/third party document classification systems, enabling them to more precisely influence the data classification process.
New signature based file type detection engine: A new signature based file type detection engine has been added, which automatically identifies document content type based on its internal structures to prevent anyone from overriding the security controls set to regulate any given file format. 
Improved block-checkin: Enhanced capabilities have been introduced for content checking even for encrypted content.
“Cryptzone has consistently delivered encryption solutions that transparently integrate within enterprise networks.” says Anders Hansson, Product Portfolio Manager at Cryptzone. “As a Microsoft Gold Partner, it is important that Cryptzone’s development roadmap responds to changes in Microsoft software technologies.” 
In August Cryptzone is exhibiting at two US SharePoint conferences: booth E9 at SharePoint Fest DC and booth 403 at SPTechCon Boston.