Erwin has announced erwin DG RediChek, a new tool designed to help organizations understand what their data governance readiness is. The tool features a questionnaire that includes the area most critical to data governance readiness.
DG RediChek is being released in light of the company’s State of Data Governance Report, which found that only six percent of North American companies feel that they are ready for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming in May.
“That shockingly small number is a big deal because the mandate’s data security and privacy requirements apply to any business in any sector in any country that serves even one EU citizen,” said Mariann McDonagh, CMO of erwin. “A lot of organizations may not realize they’re subject to GDPR, so they’ll have to fast track their data governance initiatives. This tool will help them – and any enterprise – understand how to approach DG for maximum strategic advantage, going beyond just compliance.”
DG RediChek looks at five different areas for data governance readiness: initiative sponsorship, organizational support, team resources, data management methodology, and delivery capability. The insights gained from answers to the questionnaire will be displayed as an interactive tutorial as users progress through the app.
Users will also receive a score based on current efforts and a printable PDF that can be used to affirm current efforts or help them design and implement a better data governance plan.
“We’ve been working with data a long time and believe that a new approach and cultural shift is required for effective data governance, one that extends to and empowers the entire enterprise,” said McDonagh. “We think this tool will be helpful to organizations in determining what current strengths and weaknesses are and how to address the most important factors in terms of overall DG success. And while it’s critical for compliance, data governance provides the framework to unlock even more strategic value from data assets.”