The Jakarta EE Working Group has announced that Jakarta EE 9.1 is now available. According to the Working Group, this release is significant because it makes Jakarta EE compatible with Java SE 11.
Jakarta EE 9.1 already has five compatible implementations from leaders in the Java ecosystem: IBM Open Liberty, Eclipse Glassfish, Apache TomEE, Red Hat Wildfly, and ManageCat ManageFish.
“ManageCat would like to thank all Jakarta EE working group members who contributed to this amazing work,” said Gurkan Erdogdu, director of ManageCat. “We are delighted and proud to provide a Jakarta EE 9.1 Full Platform compliant and certified application server, ManageFish. I believe that with the version of Jakarta EE 10, the innovations that the platform will offer will increase exponentially.”
RELATED CONTENT: Jakarta EE 9 provides new baseline for evolution of platform
The 2020 Jakarta EE Developer Survey showed that Java SE 11 usage has grown from 20% of repositories in 2019 to 28% in 2020. In addition, Java is used in production at 90% of Fortune 500 companies.
“This latest release for Jakarta EE is really indicative of the community momentum we’re seeing in Jakarta EE,” said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. “With EE 9.1 following only a few months after EE 9, the Jakarta EE community is now delivering a regular cadence of releases. With the recent ‘big bang’ namespace shift of Jakarta EE 9, the momentum building in certified Jakarta EE-compatible products, as well as a deep interest in firms that want to move their existing Java applications into cloud environments, the enterprise Java industry is experiencing a renaissance.”