The Linker’s dear old Dad, may he rest in peace, would have been 90 years old today. Or so it is believed. Papa Linker was born in a small village in Poland in 1922, in a community that went by the Jewish calendar (that year was 5683). So when he emigrated to the United States in 1928, and was asked on Ellis Island for his birth date, his response was “Purim.” (That’s a Jewish festival that was celebrated last week.) And, as we all know, Jewish holidays do not always fall on the same date on the Gregorian calendar each year, so upon his arrival on American shores, the clerk who admitted him into the country hit upon March 14 as his birthday. And so it was. The Linker hopes you have a happy day today, with some links we all can celebrate! Just don’t try to blow them all out!
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Not-so-random YouTube entry: Dear Old Dad