Software tools provider Altova today announced the release of Version 2023 Release 2 of its desktop developer tools, server software, and regulatory solutions, offering users several new features.
With this release, users gain access to split mode in Grid View in XMLSpy. This allows developers to separate the editing view of one document into two sections so that navigating and editing large documents is simplified.
Customers also get the option to create a new document from XPath/XQuery results in XMLSpy. Users can now create a new document from these results along with the ability to evaluate expressions XMLSpy.
“We are excited to roll out ongoing updates for editing JSON and XML in Grid View, as well as customer-requested support for additional EDI formats and HTML output options in our software development and data integration tools,” said Alexander Falk, president and CEO of Altova. “We’ve also added a new extension taxonomy designer to the ESEF XBRL add-in for Excel, making this tool even more useful for non-technical users working to create regulatory filing reports.”
Additionally, support for VDA EDI messages has been added in MapForce along with support for multiple other popular EDI formats and versions.
This release also brings new HTML output options such as the option to embed images in HTML reports generated by StyleVision so they can be more easily shared and diff reports in HTML in DiffDog can be produced.
Lastly, customers get ESEF extension taxonomy designer in the Altova ESEF XBRL add-in for Excel, allowing for designs to be done visually and right in Excel.