The latest version of the content management system (CMS) Drupal is now available. Drupal 10 includes a number of updates aimed at improving the authoring experience.
Drupal 10 debuts the new Claro administration theme, which replaces the Seven theme, and the Olivero default front-end theme, which replaces the Bartik theme.
Claro was part of Drupal’s Admin UI & JavaScript Modernisation project, which aimed to re-imagine the content authoring and site administration experience of Drupal.
Olivero includes modern design elements and support for commonly used Drupal features like second-level navigation, embedded media, and layout builder.
Drupal 10 also introduces CKEditor 5, which includes an improved authoring experience and more modern editing capabilities.
Other updates include replacement of some jQuery components with modern JavaScript components, Theme Starterkit tools for bespoke theme creation, and replacement of Symfony 4 with Symfony 6.
There are also two in-development features that will be added to Drupal 10 as contributed modules when they are ready. These include Automatic Updates and Project Browser.
Automatic Updates applies patches to Drupal core in a sandboxed version of your website, which enables developers to keep their site running until deployment time. This allows them to detect and report problems at every stage of the deployment process, rather than having to wait until an update is live to discover problems.
Project Browser is a repository for modules and themes that enables developers to easily add them to their sites.