UI component company Syncfusion has announced the latest version of Essential Studio 2022, which is a library of over 1,500 components and frameworks across .NET, JavaScript, Flutter, React, and more.
Essential Studio 2022 Volume 4 adds eight new controls for .NET MAUI, compatibility for .NET 7 and Angular 15, and a new Rating component.
Among the new .NET MAUI controls are PDF Viewer, Funnel Chart for representing stages in a process, and Pyramid Chart for representing hierarchies in a pyramid-like structure, Calendar, DataForm, Rating, and Text Input Layout. Also, 19 controls that had been in preview in the last release are now officially production-ready.
The new Rating control allows users to provide a star rating and see other users’ ratings. The component is available for .NET MAUI and web platform in Syncfusion.
The Syncfusion Blazor suite also adds two new components: Media Query, for tracking changes to browser size, and Mention, which displays a pop=up suggestion list when a designated character is entered into a text box.
Other Blazor components that were in preview are also now production-ready, including Floating Action Button, Speed Dial, AppBar, and Message.
The WinUI platform now has a Masked TextBox input control which limits the input of specific characters.
Other minor enhancements in this release include the ability to export TreeGrid data into an Excel spreadsheet and new features in Flutter’s Excel Library and DataGrid.
“We have many exciting new controls in the final release of 2022—a year that saw significant growth for our Essential Studio suite,” said Daniel Jebaraj, CEO of Syncfusion. “We put a lot of effort into polishing and perfecting the controls we developed throughout 2022. With the help of our customers’ feedback, Essential Studio tools are more complete, robust, and ready to improve applications.”