GitHub wants to make it easier to view and interact with pull requests in Atom thanks to a new GitHub package. Recent pull requests will now display information such as the author’s avatar, title of the pull request, pull request number, CI status, and “Last Updated” details.

Clicking on a pull request will launch a view similar to GitHub’s conversation view. The top of the view contains important information such as pull request author, pull request title, status of a pull request, and more. It also added new hover card functionality to improve user experience.

MIT CSAIL develops neural network model that can be used to predict depression
Researchers from MIT’s CSAIL department have developed a neural network model that can help predict cases of depression. Most current diagnostics techniques that use machine learning only predict based on a person’s answers to a set of questions, but this technique can actually point out speech patterns that are indicative of depression, the researchers explained.

The researchers are hoping that this model can be used in detecting signs of depression in natural conversation. For example, the model could be used in a mobile app that monitors a person’s texts and voice for distress and sends alerts. This can break down the barrier to mental health services for those who may not have access to a clinician due to distance, cost, or a lack of awareness that there may be a problem.

dtSearch announces an update to Intraspexion
dtSearch has announced an update to Intraspexion, which is the company’s litigation prevention software powered by deep learning.

According to dtSearch, Intraspexion’s primary target is preventing employment discrimination lawsuits. It can provide early warnings and flag internal communications that can lead to litigation, the company explained.

“We have updated the software to include Office 365 connectivity with a console for either an automated (every night) or on-demand run,” said F. Scott Barker, Intraspexion’s chief developer.  “We use the dtSearch Engine to extract the enterprise email content. Then the system uses dtSearch to index and search the extracted content and passes the results to Intraspexion’s GPU instance residing in a cloud environment.”

StackRox announces partnership with In-Q-Tel
StackRox has announced a new partnership with In-Q-Tel (IQT), a non-profit investor that helps identify and accelerate the development of technology solutions that will support the mission of various U.S. government agencies.

StackRox’s container security platform will provide In-Q-Tel with the ability to reduce attack surface, profile runtime risk, and detect and response to threats, StackRox explained.

“We’re excited to launch this partnership with IQT,” said Ali Golshan, CEO and co-founder of StackRox. “As in the commercial sector, the Intelligence Community relies on containers to increase efficiency and pace of innovation. IQT’s deep roots in and broad access to government agencies provides the perfect entrée for the StackRox platform to help secure those critical container environments.”