Recently someone wrote to us and asked what the difference is between Microsoft SPC and SPTechCon, and given that conference-rate hotel rooms are sold out for SPC, I thought I would share my answer with you.

The main difference between the events (besides size: SPC is a much larger event) is that at Microsoft SPC, all the speakers have to march to the party line—basically, whatever Microsoft’s sales and marketing goals are, they must speak with those in mind. Essentially, the event is one big sales pitch for SharePoint and related Microsoft technologies.

At SPTechCon, which is supported by Microsoft with a keynote and some other speakers, speakers are free to give you the real scoop, the workarounds, the shortcuts and the things Microsoft may not want you to necessary know. In this particular case, SPTechCon San Francisco is coming April 22-25, seven weeks after Microsoft SPC, so whatever new announcements or concepts come out of that show may be addressed by our expert speakers, and that is after they have had six weeks to digest what it all means. In that way, you are not losing anything by missing SPC, but gaining insight into what happened there afterwards, at SPTechCon.

Another difference between SPTechCon and other events (not so much SPC) is that we subject all of our speakers to rigorous evaluations by attendees. Most of our speakers have been thoroughly vetted and are well known to be the best in the business. (That said, we always mix in some new ones and try them out if their topics are good!)

More than 85 classes and tutorials are waiting for you at SPTechCon, plus you’ll get the superior networking that comes with an event of our size (500 to 600 paid conference attendees). So, what do you think?! Will we see you there?

If you have any questions, feel free to write to me directly at

Ted Bahr is president and CEO of BZ Media, producers of SPTechCon.