Topic: adobe

NativeScript public beta, Adobe’s approach to flaw detection, and Django REST framework 3.1—SD Times news digest: March 6, 2015

It has been almost a year since Telerik announced its cross-platform framework for Android, iOS, and Windows. Today, that NativeScript framework is finally making it into public beta. Valentin Stoychev, product line manager at Telerik, announced that developers can start using the framework to build native mobile apps with CSS and JavaScript. “We have been … continue reading

Adobe, Apple, Google and Intel make settlement offer in Silicon Valley poaching lawsuit

Tech companies poaching employees from one another is a longstanding Silicon Valley scandal, but after several years of litigation, the poachers may finally be about to pay up. According to a report from Reuters, Adobe, Apple, Google and Intel have agreed to settle an antitrust class-action lawsuit filed in 2011 by 64,000 software engineers. After … continue reading

Navigating a shifting PDF component landscape

PDFs have been around for a long time—more than two decades, in fact. As the platforms displaying the format have evolved beyond a simple desktop, more and more tools and components proliferate behind the scenes to ensure those documents crisply render and display on whatever application or screen they pop up in. Since its inception … continue reading

Fifteen great holiday gifts for the geek in your life

It’s that time of the year again: holiday shopping time! Trying to figure out what to get each and every special person in your life can be stressful, but there’s one person you don’t have to worry about: the geek, the programmer, that lovable developer in your life. We’ve got you covered just in time … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Oct. 30, 2014—Microsoft Band, Facebook’s Osquery and Adobe’s Spindle

The rumors turned out to be true. Microsoft has officially entered the health-tracking wearable market, releasing the Microsoft Band smartwatch and Microsoft Health service. Available cross-platform on Android, iOS and Windows Phone, Microsoft Band and Health can track and provide insights into a user’s heart rate, steps, calorie burning and sleep patterns. Microsoft Health also works with … continue reading

Plaintiff in hiring suit speaks out against settlement

Adobe, Apple, Google and Intel agreed to settle with its employees in a class-action lawsuit for $324 million … continue reading

Adobe hops on the ConnectED bandwagon

Adobe is committing more than $300 million in software and professional development to President Obama’s ConnectED … continue reading

Mobile app frameworks: A Buyers Guide

A guide for those in search of a framework, depending on what kind of framework they want … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Passwords stolen in Adobe breach were encrypted, not hashed

The breach occurred in a backup server, according to Adobe … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Adobe breach compromised more than 38 million users, Photoshop source code

The breach was bigger than indicated, and for a while a portion of Photoshop’s code was freely available … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Adobe deals with data breach affecting 2.9 million customers

It took the company two months to find (and admit to) the breach; stolen material included customer info and source code … continue reading

What can mobile app development do for you?

Frameworks let you build apps for multiple operating systems, a must in today’s market … continue reading Protection Status