Topic: agile

Guest View: Ending the agile/PMO tug of war

In many ways, agile principles seem antithetical to how Project-Management Office (PMO) systems operate. While PMOs exemplify structure, management and governance, agile developers focus on, well, agility. They plan in small increments, work quickly to solve immediate problems, and then move on to the next ones. This lends itself to a classic agile/PMO tug of … continue reading

Industry Watch: Successful software development

Software is how organizations compete in today’s marketplace. New companies like Uber and Airbnb are invading existing businesses, using the power of software and services to succeed in this sharing economy. Those are the innovative companies. So to see how traditional companies think about satisfying their customers with new software, development company 3Pillar Global and … continue reading

Guest View: Mobile testing in an agile world

Mobile devices have changed our world. Smartphones and tablets allow employees and customers to be available and active online almost 24z7—something unimaginable in the PC era. Mobile devices’ touch-screens support rich media and application functionality and deliver a far more powerful user experience than ever thought possible. The impact is largely felt in the testing … continue reading

Digging into microservices

Today’s monolithic applications are starting to become too big and too complicated for developers to maintain. When developers want to update a feature, they are forced to update the entire application. To solve this problem, organizations have been turning to a new software development approach: microservices. “Microservice architecture is the idea that rather than building … continue reading

Agile is becoming the de facto standard for software development, according to VersionOne

Agile is continuing to be a driving force behind software development. VersionOne recently released its results from the annual State of Agile survey and found that 94% of organizations are practicing agile. “Agile is quickly becoming the de facto standard for software development, and five to 10 years from now it is going to go … continue reading

Guest View: Change your training to increase adoption

Agile development, DevOps and the cloud have moved software development from regular updates and releases to a nearly continuous stream of changes. And it’s not slowing down. It is no wonder nearly 50% of all CRM projects fail and less than 40% have full-scale adoption. Contributing to this failure is a lack of training. Evidence … continue reading

Testing in an agile world

Agile has challenged the world of development, operation and project management, leaving them to redefine their roles and work together on one team in a fast-paced software development environment; but one of the most difficult hurdles in the world of agile is rethinking the role of the tester, according to Ian Culling, CTO of VersionOne. … continue reading

Industry Watch: Developing apps horizontally

The most important change in how custom software is created these days has nothing to do with programming languages, development environments, agile methodologies or code repositories. Instead, it’s about taking a horizontal approach to application development, which allows for shared resources, composite pieces and staying up to date. That’s the view of Matt Calkins, CEO … continue reading

Testing changes in agile development shops, study finds

As agile practices, Continuous Integration and other new methodologies come into development environments, organizations have come to realize they need to change the way they test software. Among the changes highlighted in a recent survey of more than 500 developers by Dimensional Research and sponsored by Sauce Labs are that organizations are doing more automated … continue reading

Maintaining a sustainable agile transformation

While many organizations have turned to agile as a way to streamline their development processes, the road to successfully implementing agile is bumpy. For organizations who want to achieve and maintain a sustainable agile transformation long-term, Ivar Jacobson, founder and chairman of Ivar Jacobson International, and Ian Spence, head of research and development at Ivar … continue reading

Keeping a competitive edge with Continuous Delivery

Businesses want to stay competitive, but in today’s world of software development it can be a struggle. In order to be successful, businesses need to deliver software that loads quickly, performs well, and provides a great user experience, and they have to do it fast. It is no longer acceptable for a business to deliver … continue reading

VersionOne Winter Release strengthens relationship between business and development teams

The biggest obstacle to scaling agile is the lack of business buy-in, according to Mark Crowe, director of product management at VersionOne, which is why the company wanted to focus on aligning enterprise delivery with business strategy in its latest release. “If the commitment to adopt and scale agile is not driven from the leadership … continue reading Protection Status