The year was 1997. Steve Jobs fidgeted on a stool in front of the World Wide Developer Conference, chatting with the audience: “You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology. You can’t start with the technology and try to figure where you’re going to sell it. I’ve made this … continue reading
Machine learning brings new opportunities in the software security realm by offering new ways to handle data, detect malware and improve solutions. However, the problem with machine learning today is that it can be marketed as a silver bullet to catch all things in the security industry, when in reality the technology still has many … continue reading
NVIDIA gave artificial intelligence researchers a big surprise over the weekend when it chose to unveil the NVIDIA Tesla V100 at the computer vision event, CVPR, in Honolulu. Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, presented the new solution to 15 attending research institutions in the hopes they will create great AI solutions. The NVIDIA Tesla V100 … continue reading
Sonatype released its third annual State of the Software Supply Chain report, which highlights risks within open source software components. The report also highlights the benefits of managing software supply chain hygiene. “Companies are no longer building software applications from scratch, they are manufacturing them as fast as they can using an infinite supply of … continue reading
Microsoft is continuing to commit resources to artificial intelligence research with the announcement of a new organization. Microsoft Research AI is a research and incubation hub for tackling AI’s most difficult challenges, and reuniting the fields of machine learning, perception and natural language processing. “As AI moves from research to product, we are maintaining our … continue reading
Artificial intelligence is gaining more interest as companies are beginning to invest heavily into the technology. This week, Google and Toyota both announced the launch of new venture capital funds to support growing AI startups. Toyota announced the launch of Toyota AI Ventures, a new venture capital subsidiary that will provide early-stage financing to startup … continue reading
Tricentis announced a exploratory testing tool for Atlassian JIRA. The native add-on aims to simplify planning, documentation and reporting of exploratory testing within the JIRA environment and provides full traceability between exploratory test results and associated JIRA issues. According to Tricentis, with this new add-on, agile teams can rapidly and reliably receive and deliver feedback … continue reading
Google wants to look beyond the technology aspect of artificial intelligence and study the relationship between the users of the technology. The company announced the People + AI Research initiative (PAIR), which will look into how users interact with AI and the benefits it will provide. “The past few years have seen rapid advances in … continue reading
MicroStrategy is giving its users critical capabilities across enterprise analytics, so they can tap into business opportunities across one enterprise platform. The company today announced the availability of MicroStrategy 10.8, giving users enterprise analytics, mobility and IoT features, and making it easier to leverage machine learning. The new release includes the R and R Integration … continue reading
Microsoft has confirmed the acquisition of Cloudyn, a cloud management platform provider and cloud cost optimization tool. The company hopes this acquisition will help its Azure customers better manage and optimize their work in the cloud. “As customers grow their cloud usage across many projects, it can be challenging to gain visibility and understand … continue reading
IBM is tackling artificial intelligence in its latest endeavor. The company announced a partnership with the reactive application development provider Lightbend to advance the development of artificial intelligence and cognitive solutions. Together, the companies will work to create a new solution for building and deploying AI and cognitive apps on premises and in the cloud. … continue reading
When it comes to developing applications, developers are facing a host of new pressures to keep their apps relevant and useful to their users. One of these pressures is building artificial intelligence and predictive experiences into applications so users can have customize and exciting experiences. At its TrailheaDX developer conference today, Salesforce announced it’s tackling … continue reading