Topic: artificial intelligence

MIT researchers create AI programming language

In an effort to democratize and advance the field of artificial intelligence, MIT researchers have announced a new programming language designed for computer vision, robotics, statistics and more.  Gen aims to take away the complexity of equations or having to manually write code and enable researchers of all skill levels to create models and algorithms … continue reading

AI robotics research platform PyRobot now open sourced

Facebook wants to accelerate AI robotics research with the open source release of PyRobot. According to the company, the project is designed as a framework and ecosystem that enables AI researchers and students to mobilize a robot in just a few hours, without specialized knowledge of the hardware or details such as device drivers, control … continue reading

premium Man and machine learning: Data projects and the opportunities for developers

As businesses increasingly move their operations to the cloud, they’re recognizing the potential to harness the almost limitless compute power available and tap into artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to deliver insights and value to the business that were previously beyond their reach. Businesses have never been in a better position to create value … continue reading

Analyst View: Qualcomm’s potential hybrid AI revolution

Qualcomm had a coming-out party for their new AI technology that includes a series of new smart Snapdragon parts with built-in AI capability for smartphones and connected devices. They also surprised with the announcement of their Cloud AI 100 simulator. Both of these things are interesting by themselves but, together, they have the potential to … continue reading

SD Times new digest: Databricks’ MLflow 1.0, Nim programming language 0.20, and Visual Studio Code 1.35

Databricks has announced its open-source machine learning platform MLflow has reached 1.0. MLflow was announced last year as a way to help data scientists track and share experiments and models. Since then, the project has grown to more than 100 contributors with its PyPl package download rate reaching about 600K a month, the company explained. … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: SPTAG

Microsoft wants to take traditional search engines to the next level with the open sourcing of SPTAG or Space Partition Tree and Graph. According to the company, search engines and even intelligent assistants are lacking the ability to understand queries because they are focused on keyword search algorithms. “Keyword search algorithms just fail when people … continue reading

Organizations are using AI to speed up test automation

More and more businesses are looking to leverage artificial intelligence to tackle their testing initiatives and speed up development and delivery. Perfecto announced this week an AI-based testing solution for automating the process of writing test scripts. Perfecto Codeless uses machine learning to give teams of all skill levels codeless testing capabilities. According to the … continue reading

TensorFlow to expand AI capabilities into mobile, IoT, JavaScript

It has been three years since the open-source machine learning platform TensorFlow was launched, and now the team is announcing new and ambitious plans for the AI library. The TensorFlow Developer Summit took place in Sunnyvale, CA this week, where the TensorFlow team announced the alpha version of Tensor 2.0, TensorFlow.js 1.0, TensorFlow Lite and … continue reading

The LF Deep Learning Foundation picks up the deep probabilistic programming language Pyro

The LF Deep Learning Foundation has accepted Pyro as its latest project. The LF DL Foundation is a Linux Foundation project meant to accelerate the growth of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning open-source projects. Pyro is a probabilistic programming framework created by Uber that is designed to bring together the best of both … continue reading

How hardware design needs to change to match up with AI needs

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve and grow, so must the hardware we use to power AI. During his keynote address at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference this week, Facebook vice president and chief AI scientist Yann LeCun discussed the next step for reaching AI’s potential: shifting away from GPUs and moving more towards dedicated chips.  … continue reading

New open-source project introduces code-free deep learning approach

Uber’s AI engineering team wants to make deep learning more accessible with the open-source release of Ludwig. The deep learning toolbox based on TensorFlow aims to give users the ability to train and test deep learning models without having to write any code. “Ludwig is unique in its ability to help make deep learning easier … continue reading

Clever-Commit coding assistant uses AI to protect against bugs

A new coding assistant is leveraging artificial intelligence to learn from previous bugs and bug fixes, and identify when new bugs are introduced. Clever-Commit, originally known as Commit-Assistant, is a new AI technology designed for programmers by Ubisoft La Forge. According to Ubisoft, the AI-based coding system uses the latest machine learning and big data … continue reading

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