Topic: ecmascript

New features for ECMAScript 2016+ in Firefox

The ECMAScript Language Specification continues to gain new features that aim to help developers build web applications. With the latest stable edition of the ECMAScript specification come two new features as well as various minor changes. One of the new features is available in Firefox 52, which is now in beta and will ship in … continue reading

Security in software needs to be Job One

It’s a scenario right out of a Bond movie. James is charging down a hallway, parkouring over bad guys, shooting everyone he sees in a mad dash to get to the glowing computer screen in a dark basement under the villain’s hideout. Inside that computer: stolen information. Maybe it’s a list of other agents. Maybe … continue reading

The future of software security

Chip Morningstar is having something of an existential crisis. After 40 years developing software, co-creating the first graphical massively multiplayer game for the C64 in 1986 (Habitat), and stints as top levels of Yahoo and PayPal, Morningstar has been looking back on a life spent trying to solve similar problems over and over. One of … continue reading

Angular 2 ditches controllers and scope, adds TypeScript

Google has been hard at work on Angular.js version 2 for more than two years now. The final version of this JavaScript cross-platform framework was released yesterday, and with it come scores of changes that will expand developer options. These included a newly componentized base, full support for TypeScript and ECMAScript 6, and better dependency … continue reading

Eclipse Neon release train arrives

The Eclipse Neon release train arrived this morning, right on schedule for the second-to-last Wednesday of June. With this annual release, Eclipse adds support for high-DPI monitors, and brings improvements to JavaScript and PHP supports in the language. Ian Skerrett, director of marketing for the Eclipse Foundation, said that this release includes a “reboot of … continue reading

Komodo IDE 10 targets mobile developers

ActiveState today released Komodo IDE 10, the first version that supports TypeScript and ECMAScript 6. In addition, it brings new features for mobile developers, improved UI, and new hotkey settings that mimic other popular IDEs. Tom Radcliffe, director of engineering at ActiveState, said, “Our society’s reliance on mobile devices has led to the proliferation of … continue reading

Taking a closer look at HTML5 after its first year of standardization

Today marks the one-year anniversary of HTML5’s standardization, and since then it has quickly become a preferred solution for Web development. It was a long and hard road for HTML5 to reach that status, and not many thought it would make it this far. “My perception at the time eight years ago was that it … continue reading

Meteor CEO talks JavaScript

JavaScript has come a long way from a hacked-together language built under time constraints for a new medium. Since its creation, the language has undergone trials and tribulations at the hands of vendors fighting over implementation. Today, however, JavaScript is the beneficiary of some of the best computer science engineering on the planet. Google, Apple, … continue reading

jQuery 3.0 is released

jQuery has announced the first alpha releases of jQuery 3.0 and jQuery Compat 3.0, the JavaScript library’s first major release in more than two years. jQuery 3.0 supports modern browsers and environments from IE9 forward. The 3.0 release is not a major rework of the jQuery codebase, but it supports the library’s shift to semantic … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Trine

Trine is “the library modern JavaScript doesn’t deserve, but needs right now,” at least according to its GitHub description. As Finnish developer Jussi Kalliokoski puts it, Trine is a utility library geared at tapping the full potential of functional programming in JavaScript. Kalliokoski explains that despite functional programming improvements introduced in both ECMAScript 5 and … continue reading

Milestone ECMAScript 6 on track for June release

ECMAScript 6, the landmark official update to JavaScript, has entered the next phase of the standardization process along the road to a June 2015 wide release. ECMAScript 6 will be the first update to standardized JavaScript since 2009, and the first truly foundational restructuring of the language since 1999. The overarching goal of ECMAScript 6 … continue reading

Microsoft announces TypeScript 1.4, Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5

Microsoft has announced the release of version 1.4 of its TypeScript superset JavaScript programming language in conjunction with the fifth community technology preview of Visual Studio 2015. TypeScript 1.4 adds a series of type system improvements, new template strings, and support for features from ECMAScript 6, the upcoming update to the JavaScript standard. TypeScript program … continue reading Protection Status