Developers thrive when they are able to collaborate, get feedback from their peers, and work in an open space. At least that is the theory behind Glitch, a new coding website launched from Fog Creek Software, a team collaboration and development tools provider. “Anybody who’s ever made something they’re proud of can tell you: People … continue reading
Picture a new programming language that’s like Swift, JavaScript and Smalltalk packed into a tiny virtual machine. It can be written once, and it can run on any operating system. This is Gravity, a Swift-like programming language, in a nutshell. This powerful, dynamically typed, lightweight and embeddable programming language is written in C, but it … continue reading
Pandas aren’t only cute cute bears; they’re also a data analysis/manipulation library for Python. Pandas is designed to make it easier to work with relational and labeled data. “It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real-world data analysis in Python. Additionally, it has the broader goal of becoming the most … continue reading
Docker is releasing a new commercial platform for enterprise development and IT teams. Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) is a new platform designed to streamline the Docker experience, and accelerate business critical app deployments. “From the very beginning, Docker has been focused on taking very complicated tooling and software and making it intuitive and easy to … continue reading
Just like the medical instrument that checks the beating heart inside of humans, Netflix’s open-source Stethoscope tool collects information from users’ devices, giving them clear insight into how they are operating and what they need to fix to keep them “healthy.” Technically speaking, Stethoscope is a web application that gathers information from users’ devices, giving … continue reading
Griddle, the customizable datagrid component for React, recently updated to version 1.0, which rebuilt Griddle with more customization in mind. Griddle is a component that is structured similar to other React applications, and while it is self-contained, it does not “dictate the structure of the containing application,” according to its documentation page. With new plug-in … continue reading
Microsoft wants to help developers test their autonomous solutions without having to worry about any real-world damage. The company has open-sourced AirSim, its simulator for autonomous vehicles. AirSim is designed to provide a platform for AI researchers to experiment and test deep learning, computer vision and reinforcement learning algorithms. With AirSim, users can safely test … continue reading
GitHub is making it easier for developers to participate in open-source software. The company announced its Open Source Guides, a collection of resources designed to help developers approach and contribute to open source. According to GitHub, the guides will help developers find users for their projects, help them manage large-open source communities, and improve workflow. … continue reading
Google DeepMind is pinning artificial intelligent agents against each other to see how they cooperate. To research this, the team is using a game known as Prisoner’s Dilemma to test its willingness to compete and cooperate. According to the research, at times the agents worked peacefully together, but were less cooperative in complex situations or … continue reading
Google has announced the second developer preview of Android Things, the company’s Internet of Things solution for building connected devices with Android. The latest preview includes new features and bug fixes. “Now any Android developer can quickly build a smart device using Android APIs and Google services, while staying highly secure with updates direct from … continue reading
Udacity created a self-driving simulator for its self-driving car nanodegree so students could learn how to train cars to navigate road courses using deep learning. This project isn’t limited to the students of Udacity anymore; since Udacity open-sourced the simulator, anyone can use it. The simulator lets any developer or hobbyist mess with Unity, the … continue reading
Mozilla wants developers to get the most out of its Firefox development tools. The company is outlining what’s important and what they need to know about changes in Firefox DevTools. “Many things changed in Firefox DevTools last year, particularly toward the end of the year,” wrote Patrick Brosset, a developer tools engineer at Mozilla, in … continue reading