For all its surface frenzy, 2014 was a year in which the biggest news stories in the programming language community were about acknowledging reality and bowing to the inevitable. First, there was Java 8. For Java developers, this release is the most important since before the turn of the century—probably the most important release since … continue reading
A change at the top, followed by a clearly defined focus, with an all-out embrace of open technologies and an increased update release cycle. Throw in a further commitment to consumer devices for good measure. One could argue that 2014 was the year of Microsoft. Or, at least, the year it remade itself. But it … continue reading
In 2014, the selection of cloud platforms and services was more plentiful than ever before, and it saw countless partnerships and integrations to tie them all together. Cloud users and developers are dropping eggs in many different baskets, be it Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud or open-source platforms such as … continue reading
Software vulnerabilities have existed for as long as there has been software. Organizations and their developers have been locked in a cat-and-mouse game with the legion of hackers looking to steal data. Every time one breach is fixed, another is exploited, and ‘round and ‘round it goes. So, after Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, … continue reading
GitHub is warning users to update their Git clients as soon as possible. A critical security vulnerability has been found in Git, affecting all Git clients and software related to Git repositories such as GitHub for Windows and GitHub for Mac. “We strongly encourage all users…to be particularly careful when cloning or accessing Git repositories … continue reading
Google has announced the open-source availability of the Cloud Dataflow SDK, allowing developers to integrate their apps with the Dataflow-managed data processing service. Google software engineer Sam McVeety made the announcement in a blog post detailing how developers now have the capability to begin porting Dataflow to other languages and execution environments, and they can … continue reading
Microsoft’s developer and open-source arms are busy this holiday season, with the company releasing Bing Developer Assistant for Visual Studio and open-sourcing Project Orleans, the cloud-computing framework behind much of Azure as well as the popular first-person shooter game Halo 4. The release-to-manufacturing version of Bing Developer Assistant, available as an extension for both Visual … continue reading
Google has officially announced its new tool chain for Android. The core of the new tool chain includes two tools: Jack and Jill. Jack stands for Java Android Compiler Kit, while Jill stands for Jack Intermediate Library Linker. Belgian mobile development software company Saikoa revealed the new compilers in the beginning of the month. Google … continue reading
After releasing five popular open-source technologies, HashiCorp is tying them all together with Atlas—a commercial DevOps and application-delivery product for developing, deploying, and maintaining applications on any infrastructure. Described in HashiCorp’s news release as an AWS-style application delivery SaaS for any public or private data center, Atlas unifies the company’s open-source projects (Vagrant, Packer, Serf, … continue reading
With the move to open-source .NET and C#, Microsoft is making a clear statement that it feels its future is in its software, not its Windows operating system. While largely applauded in the technology industry for moving toward openness and compatibility, the company is taking a major risk. But it’s a risk that must be … continue reading