Amidst the “Shift Left and Extend Right” security trend, developers find themselves needing to implement more robust security practices into their processes. Idan Plotnik, co-founder and CEO of Apiiro, provider of an application risk management platform, discussed the ways in which developers can mitigate critical security risks in order to better protect themselves and their … continue reading
Checkmarx’s open-source KICS (Keeping Infrastructure as Code Secure) solution has been integrated into version 14.5 of the GitLab DevOps Platform as an infrastructure-as-code scanning tool. KICS automatically parses infrastructure-as-code files of any type to detect insecure configurations that could expose applications, data and services to attack. Users of Ansible, AWS CloudFormation, K8S or Terraform can … continue reading
Veracode launched an advanced scanning tool that enables organizations to find and fix vulnerabilities in APIs. The new capability leverages Veracode’s Dynamic Analysis (DAST) scanning engine to provide comprehensive security insights and remediation guidance for APIs. “The explosion of APIs means that application development is becoming more fragmented and decentralized in nature, so the attack … continue reading
Cloud-native development has become the de facto way that companies make new apps due to its speed and cost savings. While it has opened up the world of Kubernetes, containers, and serverless to most organizations, they still need to grapple with certain complexities and security concerns that this style of development brings. Concerning the use … continue reading
We asked these tool providers to share more information on how their solutions help companies secure cloud-native applications. Their responses are below. Rani Osnat, VP strategy and product marketing at Aqua Security From day one, we started out focusing on containers, because that was the big technology that was pushed in the earlier days with … continue reading
The various trends around software development: small team sizes, faster velocity and the styles of building software are here to stay and organizations will need a new way in which to train their developers. This is according to Pete Chestna, CISO of North America at Checkmarx, in the SD Times Live! on-demand webinar “Cloud Engineering … continue reading
The Android development team today shared a number of new features and updates that are designed to help users balance their needs and achieve mobility goals with Android Enterprise. A few notable highlights include the launch of the first Android Enterprise Vulnerability Rewards Program, embracing the use of Custom Tabs for developers to integrate authentication … continue reading
Threatmapper is a cloud-native security observability platform that scans, maps, and ranks vulnerabilities from development through production across serverless, Kubernetes, container, and multi-cloud environments. This Wednesday, it was open-sourced by Deepfence under the Apache 2.0 license. “By open sourcing ThreatMapper, we aim to help developers, DevOps, DevSecOps, and security teams identify and prioritize threats quickly … continue reading
Today the developer security company Snyk introduced new product innovations, DigitalOcean and HashiCorp partnerships, and launched Snyk Learn as part of SnykCon 2021. Snyk Code, which offers a dev-first approach to static application security testing tooling just received support for C#, Ruby, PHP and Go added to Java, Javascript, and Python. Also, Snyk Open Source … continue reading
Just over half of developers feel that security policies stifle their innovation and only about a third of developers reported that they are thoroughly educated on the security procedures they are expected to execute, according to a new report by VMware and Forrester. Forrester conducted a VMware-commissioned survey called “Bridging the Developer and Security Divide” … continue reading
New data shows a direct correlation between resignations, departing employees, and data exposure events. This is of particular interest to organizations currently as companies experience what’s been called “the Great Resignation.” As employees leave their companies, they oftentimes — intentionally or otherwise — take valuable source code, patent applications, and customer lists with them. Code42, … continue reading
Microsoft today announced that users of Outlook, OneDrive, Family Safety, and more can now opt out of using passwords and choose alternative authentication methods, predicting that “the future is passwordless.” This comes after the company announced that passwordless sign-in was generally available for commercial users, bringing the feature to enterprise organizations around the world. Some of the … continue reading