Topic: smartwatches

Analyst Watch: Smartwatches: Already obsolete

The Apple Watch, arguably the best-funded and most integrated product in the wearables market, is still getting mixed reviews. Most of the rest of the products are just noise in comparison. So how hard is it to get a smartwatch right? It seems pretty simple: Just take some of the stuff off the phone, put … continue reading

From the Editors: Apple Watch boosts wearables

At BZ Media’s Wearables TechCon in March, we saw many interesting devices, technologies and software platforms for quantifying the self, telling time, and doing all manner of otherworldly duties all from the wrist of the user. Then Apple joined the party, announcing its eponymous Watch while attendees at the show gossiped over the future. Everyone … continue reading

Microsoft open-sources MSBuild and announces Cortana development platform, and Tag Heuer, Intel and Google partner on smartwatch—SD Times News digest: March 19, 2015

Microsoft has announced that the Microsoft Build Engine, the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio, is now available on GitHub. According to Microsoft program manager Rich Lander, the MSBuild sources that are being published on GitHub will be aligned with the version being shipped in Visual Studio 2015. In addition, the company plans to … continue reading

Guest View: How to develop for the post-Apple Watch era

While the reviews of the Apple Watch are a bit mixed at this point, one thing is clear: Smartwatches are going mainstream. Apple has never failed to disrupt a market as they enter it—from the digital music player to the laptop to the smartphone—and nothing less should be expected for wearables. No, the Apple Watch … continue reading

BlackBerry BBM for Android Wear, the Eye Tribe’s SDK for Android, and KitKat is cramping Lollipop’s uptake—SD Times news digest: Jan. 8, 2015

BlackBerry is jumping into the wearables space. The company just announced BBM support for a wide range of Android Wear wearable devices. “The integration of BBM to support wearable technology is just one way we’re expanding the capabilities of our portfolio and delivering exciting options for customers to easily access BlackBerry’s cross-platform technologies,” said Herman … continue reading

Analyst Watch: Smartwatch drivers: Form over function?

This is the question for each new personal technology wave. Nearly always until technology got personal, it was function that won out. Mainframes, terminals, even the first couple decades of personal computers were ugly things that were focused on doing what they did best but didn’t exactly win beauty contests. Then Steve Jobs took Apple … continue reading Protection Status