Topic: software testing

Analyst View: Software engineering leaders must understand the potential of synthetic data

Synthetic data is a class of data artificially generated through advanced methods like machine learning that can be used when real-world data is unavailable. It offers a multitude of compelling advantages, such as its flexibility and control, which allows engineers to model a wide range of scenarios that might not be possible with production data. … continue reading

Bad habits that stop engineering teams from high-performance

I’ve been working in and managing Agile engineering teams for over a decade, and whilst I won’t profess to know everything you should be doing, I can share some insight on things you definitely should not be doing. All learned from screwups, I might add. You’ll find excuses, like “Oh, I’ll get back to it … continue reading

Report: 85% of CEOs may not be properly testing software before its release

New research released by the no-code software test automation company Leapwork has revealed that 85% of U.S. CEOs do not see a problem with releasing software that has not been properly tested, so long as it is patch tested later. On top of this, 79% of testers reported that 40% of software is sent to … continue reading

Software test automation for the survival of business

In this two part series, we explore the two sides of testing: automated and manual. In this article, we examine why automated testing should be done. To read the other side of the argument, go here.  In today’s business environment, stakeholders rely on their enterprise applications to work quickly and efficiently, with absolutely no downtime. … continue reading

The Open Testing Platform

This is a rather unique time in the evolution of software testing.  Teams worldwide are facing new challenges associated with working from home. Digital transformation initiatives are placing unprecedented pressure on innovation.  Speed is the new currency for software development and testing. The penalty for software failure is at an all-time high as news of … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: VHS

Performance testing company Stormforge has launched a new open-source project designed to improve and advance application performance and optimization test creation. The project, VHS, records live traffic to test performance against “reality instead of just an educated guess,” Noah Abrahams, open source advocate at StormForge, explained in a post.  “VHS started as a project that … continue reading

premium App testing: how companies are getting it right — and wrong

As we enter the fourth quarter of an explosively eventful year, important trends are emerging within the app testing industry – trends that will surely extend into 2021. The most important is the accelerated pace at which companies are moving to the cloud. The speed-up is being driven by the need to support remote teams … continue reading

premium Testing tools deliver quality – NOT!

I was recently hired to do an in-depth analysis of the software testing tool marketplace.  By the way, there are more tools in the software testing space than a do-it yourself, home improvement warehouse.  Given this opportunity to survey a broad set of software testing tool vendors, it was pretty interesting to look at the … continue reading

premium Get back to the fun part of testing

In an ideal world, software testing is all about bringing vital information to light so our teams can deliver amazing products that grow the business (to paraphrase James Bach). Investigation and exploration lie at the heart of testing. The obsession with uncovering critical defects before they unfurl into business problems is what gets under our … continue reading

Testing in a complex digital world

About a decade ago, application testing was fairly straightforward, albeit a manual effort and somewhat of a drag on delivery. Tests cases were written, functional and UI tests were done, regression, pen and load testing would happen, and the application was deemed ‘good to go.’ Today’s digital world of APIs, open-source components, mobile devices, IoT … continue reading

Supercharge Testing with Mobile Labs

Effective mobile app testing is even more important today than it was before COVID-19 hit. These days, mobile app experiences impact which brands and services customers choose and how productive work-from-home employees can be. To ensure the highest performance and scalability of apps ranging from enterprise productivity to games, teams serious about product quality choose … continue reading

Parasoft Leads Testing Innovation

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused organizations to accelerate their digital transformation strategies. Two of the major trends are supporting a remote workforce and engaging customers primarily, if not exclusively, through digital channels. Critical to employee productivity and customer experience is adequate software testing that requires a high level of automation. “Organizations are figuring out how … continue reading

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