Topic: testing

Testing in a modern, mobile and agile world

Test early and test often is a mantra every tester these days is familiar with, but with the advent of mobile and methodologies such as DevOps and agile, testing can get lost. “Organizations are expected to put code out faster, and there are pressures to do that, said Kyle Cochran, vice president of product management … continue reading

Guest View: Are you ready for iOS 8?

Apple’s iOS 8 is here, and it will be a game-changer. No operating system on the planet gets adopted faster than a new iOS release. If iOS 7 was any indication (60% of users upgraded just a few days after release), iOS 8 may set new records. Even before worrying about adding new capabilities to … continue reading

HP releases testing tool for agile development teams

It’s no secret that agile has dramatically sped up the software development life cycle. But faster development means less time to test, and with the rise of mobile, it also means tests have to done at a larger scale. To help simplify and speed up testing in the agile world, HP is releasing a new … continue reading

Industry Watch: Make your holiday plans now

It seems the gift-giving season each year starts earlier and earlier. Walk into a store in January and see Valentine’s Day promotions. Go to an online retail site in late September, and you’ll see Christmas/Chanukah promotions. So, if you’re writing applications at a retail outfit that counts on online revenue, your planning, development and testing … continue reading

Testing in a Continuous Delivery world

It’s about automation, virtualization, and catching up to the speed of development … continue reading

Microsoft announces developer browser to test out new Web features

The Internet Explorer Developer Channel allows developers to play around with platform features … continue reading

The co-evolution of mobile platforms and quality assurance

Where mobile QA has come from and where it belongs in a world dominated by mobile app quality … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Rethinking Test-Driven Development

Experts explore the strengths and weaknesses of this methodology … continue reading

Making quality changes

Testing, design, visibility and more are factors that go into changing the testing mindset at a company … continue reading

Rollback as a quality strategy: The ‘pink slime’ of continuous delivery

Users may not appreciate being the guinea pigs in your continuous delivery testing process … continue reading

Five key considerations for building a dev/test cloud

A good cloud deployment requires having a handle on flexibility, monitoring, performance, interoperability and security … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Forget ‘Continuous Integration’—the buzzword is now ‘Continuous Testing’

Speeding up development won’t mean quality will improve. How do we mitigate the negative effects of faster development? … continue reading Protection Status