#1: Material design for Bootstrap
This week’s top project is an easy way to use the new Material Design guidelines by Google in Bootstrap 3-based applications. Just include the theme right after the Bootstrap CSS and add JavaScript at the end of the document, and the theme converts everything to Material Design style. Developed by Fez Vrasta, this theme is in early development and not yet ready for production.

#2: Midnight
Midnight.js is a jQuery plugin that switches between multiple header designs on the fly. Created by Argentina-based Aerolab, the plug-in switches as you scroll to always provide a header that fits into the design with the content below.

#3: Awesome SVG
We get it: GitHub loves Awesome lists. You know the drill by now. Awesome SVG, compiled by Willian Justen, is a curated list of resources, elements and documentation for SVG. The list includes icons, text, gradients and filters, as well as animation, books, software and libraries.

#4: Awesome Shell
Hey look, another Awesome list. This one’s about Shell. Caleb Xu curated this particular list covering Shell command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.

#5: Gifshot
The folks over at Yahoo open-sourced this JavaScript library for creating animated GIFs from media streams, videos or images. Gifshot uses the WebRTC API, HTML5 APIs and video elements, the Canvas API, Web workers, typed arrays, and base-64 encoding to create those handy little GIFs all the kids are crazy over.


Who are the Yahoo developers behind Gifshot? I’ll let them introduce themselves.