Redis 4.0 is out, and while it may not be perfect, it overcomes some important limitations of Redis, according to the Redis team. Salvatore Sanfilippo, a programmer who is part of Redis Labs, writes that several features in Redis 4.0, which is now generally available, is a “measurable step” towards Redis 4.2. Some of these … continue reading
Just like the Apollo space program put the first human on the Moon, Baidu’s Project Apollo is ready to advance the realm of possibilities for human travel. Baidu isn’t focused on sending humans to the moon, but with it’s open source Project Apollo, the mission is to get vehicles to drive themselves. SD Times first … continue reading
Small projects and individual developers now have access to API development tools with Postman free of charge, since the company’s latest version of the free Postman app will have limited-quantity access to many of the paid features of Postman Pro. Postman is a provider of an API development environment, and version 5.0 of its Postman … continue reading
FogHorn Systems is bringing advanced machine learning capabilities to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) edge computing. The company announced the availability of Lightning ML, the latest version of its Lightning edge intelligence software platform for the IIoT. According to the company, Lightning ML is an integrated IIoT software platform that brings the power of machine … continue reading
Companies are coming together today for the Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality to stress the importance of keeping the Internet open, fast and accessible to all. is one of these organizations joining the coalition and fighting for the principles that will keep the Internet free from censorship. In addition to joining the … continue reading
Does the DevSecOps approach make a difference when it comes to improving application security? According to this year’s 12th annual WhiteHat Security “Application Security Statistics Report,” it certainly does. This year’s WhiteHat report includes a case study that details a large health organization’s successful implementation of a DevSecOps approach. According to the study, critical vulnerabilities … continue reading
Determining who should review files for code review is not always clear, which is why GitHub is introducing code owners, a new feature that automatically requests reviews from the code owners when a pull request changes any owned files. This feature lets repository maintainers define the exact people and teams who need to review projects, … continue reading
MicroStrategy is giving its users critical capabilities across enterprise analytics, so they can tap into business opportunities across one enterprise platform. The company today announced the availability of MicroStrategy 10.8, giving users enterprise analytics, mobility and IoT features, and making it easier to leverage machine learning. The new release includes the R and R Integration … continue reading
OutSystems is trying to accelerate mobile application development with two new features to its low-code platform. The new innovations aim to solve two common challenges throughout enterprise mobile application development: speed and user experience. “We’re constantly looking for new ways to empower teams to deliver the solutions their organizations demand – fast,” said Paulo Rosado, CEO … continue reading
When things break at large companies, there’s usually an on-call team or engineer that’s ready to step in and make sure the problem gets fixed. However, the manual process of calling up an on-call engineer or contacting a second team member to fix the issue takes too long and automating this process is more efficient. … continue reading
While Docker remains a leader in container technology, Kubernetes is gaining popularity for container orchestration and management. The open-source project is ready to release its 1.7 release this week with new features focused on extensibility, security, and other ways for deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications. According to Joe Brockmeier in a blog, senior evangelist … continue reading
Despite lengthy planning cycles, enterprises may have reached a tipping point in their migration to Windows 10. This comes from Adaptiva’s latest survey on Windows 10 enterprise impact, which also revealed a significant number of IT leaders expect to leverage automation tools to migrate all systems to Windows 10. This year’s survey found that 99 … continue reading