Codenvy, the browser-based IDE and workspace server, reached general availability today. The update comes shortly after a major update to the workspace server project, Eclipse Che, upon which Codenvy is based.
“Codenvy is the first enterprise offering based on Eclipse Che that empowers anyone, anywhere to contribute to any project without having to install software,” said Tyler Jewell, Codenvy CEO and Eclipse Che project lead. “We have made it possible to launch developer workspaces, on-demand, from within Microsoft, Atlassian and Jenkins development solutions. This allows developers, product managers and users to contribute and collaborate on code in a way that makes agile development continuous.”
The Eclipse Che project is the workspace server behind Codenvy, the commercial enterprise Web-based IDE. Much of the work on Eclipse Che comes from Codenvy, bringing the workspace server’s core code into the open-source community.
“We have built this system with a lot of standard interfaces that are highly extensible,” said Jewell. “Having 10 partners is not enough; we need that to have 1,000. We help work with the Eclipse community and see if their plug-ins would want to be moved over [to Che]. Codenvy is built on Che and Docker containers. We use Che to provide this better agile experience. Twenty-five of our engineers are active committers [to the Che project].”