Topic: developers

SD Times news digest: July 29, 2014—BitcoinJS 1.0, the Sharks Cove development board, Google Play API updates, and CMake for Windows

Microsoft releases Sharks Cove development board for pre-order The Sharks Cove development board, a Windows-compatible hardware development board designed to facilitate software and driver development for mobile devices, is now available for pre-order. First introduced at the Build developer conference this past April, Sharks Cove is intended to create mobile software that runs Windows Phone … continue reading

SD Times news digest: July 24, 2014—IBM Watson to help military community, Hortonworks and HP’s Big Data partnership

IBM’s Watson to help military community IBM and USAA, a financial services provider for the military community, have announced that the cognitive capabilities of IBM’s Watson supercomputer will now be available to military men and women as they transition to civilian life. USAA will be offering members IBM’s Watson Engagement Advisor in a pilot that … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Microsoft is testing developer biometrics to cut software bugs

There are plenty of methods to catch and fix bugs before a piece of software is shipped, but Microsoft is testing a new one that may be a wee bit invasive for developers: biometrics. A Microsoft Research paper entitled “Using Psycho-Physiological Measures to Assess Task Difficulty in Software Development” details experiments with developer biometrics, or … continue reading

SD Times news digest: July 11, 2014 – Kids programming robots, Amazon wants to test drones in US & new AWS web tools

Kids programming robots to learn new skills With just a smart tablet and Angry Birds, Georgia Institute of Technology researchers are making it possible for kids to program robots. The researchers have paired an Android tablet paired with a small humanoid robot, and kids are teaching it how to play Angry Birds just by dragging … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Developer programs are a good investment for good reasons

If developers aren’t enrolled in developer relation programs, they will become obsolescent … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Code for America looking to improve communities through tech

Yearlong fellowship program is made for developers, designers and product managers … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Samsung requires app developers to use their own SDK

Starting July 1, only app store submissions built using the developer kit will be approved … continue reading

NASA’s third global ‘codeathon’ includes coastal flooding challenge

The International Space Apps challenge calls for developers to build technologies to improve life on Earth … continue reading

Google provides add-ons for Google Docs

Developers can create their own add-ons according to certain guidelines … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Come to the developers

Lots of developers appreciate one thing above all else: simplicity … continue reading

Tips for making hackathons a success

Apigee’s developer programs leader explains how organizations can extend their developer engagement beyond the event itself … continue reading

Telerik Test Studio Now Offers Cross-Browser Test Recording and Subscription-Based Pricing for 1M-Strong Developer Community

Latest release of Test Studio offers ease-of-use and flexible pricing to address needs of developers, QA and test management … continue reading Protection Status