Topic: github

Firefox Hello in Firefox 35, io.js 1.0, and Google Cloud Monitoring—SD Times news digest: January 14, 2015

Firefox Hello, the WebRTC in-browser chat feature first included in Firefox 34, is now available to all with the launch of Firefox 35. The real-time communication feature allows users to start plug-in-free video chats within the browser in the form of a pop-up box, without the aid of a service such as Google Hangouts and … continue reading

Microsoft and Google bicker over vulnerability disclosure, Rust 1.0 alpha, free Visual Studio for GitHub student developers—SD Times news digest: Jan. 12, 2015

Microsoft isn’t happy about Google’s disclosure of a zero-day vulnerability in Windows 8.1, and the company has publicly voiced its displeasure. In a blog post entitled “A Call for Better Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure,” senior director of Microsoft’s Security Response Center Chris Betz admonished Google for disclosing the vulnerability only two days before Microsoft was scheduled … continue reading

BlackBerry BBM for Android Wear, the Eye Tribe’s SDK for Android, and KitKat is cramping Lollipop’s uptake—SD Times news digest: Jan. 8, 2015

BlackBerry is jumping into the wearables space. The company just announced BBM support for a wide range of Android Wear wearable devices. “The integration of BBM to support wearable technology is just one way we’re expanding the capabilities of our portfolio and delivering exciting options for customers to easily access BlackBerry’s cross-platform technologies,” said Herman … continue reading

December Edition: Top 5 projects trending on GitHub

Happy Almost 2015, GitHubbers! To cap off the year in GitHub, we have the Top 5 projects of the month of December. I wanted to do the Top 5 of 2014, but alas the GitHub trending feature doesn’t have a yearly time span option. #1: io.js, the month’s most popular project providing evented I/O for … continue reading

GitHub announces critical vulnerability in Git

GitHub is warning users to update their Git clients as soon as possible. A critical security vulnerability has been found in Git, affecting all Git clients and software related to Git repositories such as GitHub for Windows and GitHub for Mac. “We strongly encourage all users…to be particularly careful when cloning or accessing Git repositories … continue reading

Top 5 projects trending on GitHub this week

Find out all about #1: Streem, the prototype stream-based programming language from the mind of Ruby creator Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto here. #2: Evil Icons This plug ‘n play set of SVG icons from Alexander Madyankin and Roman Shamin is designed specifically for Web projects. The icons are available as a Node.js package or a Ruby … continue reading

Top 5 projects trending on GitHub this week

#1 io.js was featured in last week’s Top 5 trending projects. #2: Go The Go programming language is hot this week on the heels of its version 1.4 release, the fifth major stable release of Go. Go 1.4’s most important feature is official support for Android, using the core and libraries to enable writing of … continue reading

Top 5 projects trending on GitHub this week

#1: Mermaid Mermaid is the whimsical name of a simple markdown-like script language for generating charts from text using JavaScript. Developed by Knut Sveidqvist, Mermaid simplifies documentation by rendering code as simple charts and graphs, styled in different shapes, nodes and classes. #2: Rocket is a new container runtime from CoreOS. Read all about Rocket … continue reading

A virtual 3D haptic shape that can be seen and touched, and a new framework for hybrid mobile apps—SD Times news digest: Dec. 4, 2014

A team of computer scientists from the University of Bristol in the U.K. is working on new technology that uses ultrasound to develop a virtual 3D haptic shape that can be seen and touched. The research could change how 3D shapes are used and could help advance virtual reality innovation. “Touchable holograms, immersive virtual reality … continue reading

Top 5 projects trending on GitHub this week

Welcome to a special Thanksgiving edition of the Top 5 trending GitHub projects. There are still five projects and they’re still open source, but this week… you get them on a Wednesday! “Hooray!” yell all our loyal GitHub-loving readers in overjoyed unison. That’s totally what’s happening right now. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving! #1: Interact.js Interact.js is … continue reading

Top 5 projects trending on GitHub this week

#1: MetricsGraphics MetricsGraphics is a creation from the minds of the mad Web scientists at Mozilla. The JavaScript library is optimized for visualizing and laying out time-series data, providing a simple way to produce common types of graphics such as line charts, scatterplots and histograms in a consistent and responsive way. #2: Flow was featured … continue reading

Google kills Wallet API, Go moves to GitHub, and Google’s million-dollar Turing award—SD Times news digest: Nov. 14, 2014

Google has announced it will be retiring the Google Wallet API on March 2, 2015. The API was designed to allow users and merchants to buy and sell digital goods. Payments will continue to be processed through Google Wallet until March 2, 2015 and developers will continue to have access to the merchant center until … continue reading Protection Status