Topic: marketing

Cleansing email lists will help preserve your sender reputation score

Email is one of the most effective marketing channels out there. Compared to social media, where you are dependent upon the company’s algorithm treating your content favorably, email marketing can more effectively get your content in front of your audience. Email has an average open rate of 21.73% and an average click-through rate of 3.57%, … continue reading

Twilio’s newest solution enables use of more complete customer data profiles

Customer engagement company Twilio has announced the launch of Segment Unify, which is an identity resolution solution. It enables companies to merge the history of each of their customers into a single profile. They can sync these profiles to their data warehouse and other customer experience tools, while Segment Unify remains the source of truth … continue reading

Three trends marketing teams need to be aware of in 2023

Marketing leaders will continue facing uncertain and volatile conditions in 2023, while still being under pressure to drive growth. These include things like changes to third-party tracking in browsers, the economy, marketing budget cuts, and more.  The tech industry in particular has been impacted by these volatile conditions in the market and in the workforce. … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Apple releases new marketing tools for App Store, Android to expand permissions auto-reset, Swift 5.5 released

Apple announced that users can now easily create custom marketing assets such as banners and images to promote their apps on social media and more.  One just needs to select their app, choose a template, customize their design, and add preset messages in multiple languages.  The new App Store marketing tools can also be used … continue reading

Melissa’s email flagging feature created to fulfill GDPR consent rules

As laws such as the European Union’s GDPR regulation and California’s similar upcoming CCPA Act pick up steam, countries around the world are making privacy a priority and forcing companies to rethink how they obtain consent from their contacts — even when it comes to sending emails.  To address the new stringent privacy laws and … continue reading

3 ways Agile practices help developers work with marketers

The gospel of Agile is certainly nothing new to developers, who have been employing it for decades at this point, and have seen its benefits. One of the most interesting developments is the amount of cross-communication that is starting to occur between marketing teams and developers. Marketers are needing to learn more skills that developers … continue reading

Analyst View: When sales slow: Dealing with a market collapse

It is getting to be far less stressful to not read the news than to read it. While much of this for me is the very strange election between two largely unelectable folks, there is also the shadow of collapsing markets in tablets, PCs, and even smartphones. Fixing this would require massive changes to Apple, … continue reading

The less glamorous side of a digital transformation

When businesses think about going digital or moving online, they tend to think more about their front-end-facing solutions. But there is another piece to this digital transformation. While front-end-facing applications need to provide a great user experience and are at the heart of most businesses, it also needs an integrated back end to make them … continue reading

Developer evangelists help companies engage users—without overt marketing

If there’s one thing that really turns people away from a product or service, it’s a hard sales pitch. Developers are no exception. When hearing company pitches about tools or solutions that might be useful to their team, developers in today’s world want to see the code and learn the real value of the product—marketing … continue reading Protection Status