Topic: mobile

Analyst View: The advantages of Moto Z

I’ve been carrying the Moto Z from Motorola for several weeks now and I’m really falling in love with the modular aspects of this phone. I firmly believe that we have been focused too much on making these things thin, which has made them harder to hold, done ugly things to battery life and thermals, … continue reading

The Dart programming language reaches version 2

Google is trying to revive the Dart programming language as a mainstream language for mobile and web development with its latest announcement. Dart 2 features a complete rewrite of the web platform with a strong focus on productivity, performance and scalability.   “Dart 2 marks the rebirth of Dart as a mainstream programming language focused … continue reading

SD Times news digest: BrowserStack debugging tools, Snowflake on Microsoft Azure and System.IO.Pipelines

BrowserStack is announcing new debugging tools and native mobile functionalities to its web and mobile app testing platform. In addition, the company announced it is adding new devices to its Real Device Cloud coverage with support for Samsung Galaxy S9, S9+ and the 2018 Apple iPad. Support for iPhone 6, 6s, 6s Plus and 2018 … continue reading

Flutter release preview 1 now available

Google’s mobile SDK for creating native applications is one step closer to its 1.0 release. They announced Flutter Release Preview 1 this week. According to Google, this release signals a new phase of development for the SDK. “The shift from beta to release preview signals our confidence in the stability and quality of what we … continue reading

Report: Can Kotlin compete with Java?

Java continues to dominate the programming language space for developers, but a new report reveals that Kotlin may soon knock it out of the top spot for mobile development. Packt released the results of its 2018 Skills Up report designed to look at the trends and tools software developers are using today. The 2018 Skills … continue reading

Oracle tackles mobile development and data integration with new autonomous cloud services

Oracle is announcing the next generation Oracle Cloud Platform services with new built-in autonomous capabilities. The new services include Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise, Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud and Oracle API Platform Cloud. According to Oracle, the services are designed to reduce costs and speed of the development of chatbots, data integration, mobile development and … continue reading

Perfecto announces support for Progressive Web Apps

Perfecto is bringing its automated continuous testing solution to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with its newly announced support. PWAs are apps that run in the web browser, and do not have to be accessed through the app store. According to Perfecto, PWAs improve user experience, grow engagement and increase conversions. The company expects PWA adoption … continue reading

Analyst View: Three “killer apps” for next-gen mobile

Often it isn’t one thing that brings about a technology revolution but a blending of elements. 5G, mixed reality, and AI are about to dramatically change both how we interact with computers not only revolutionize human/machine interaction but blur the lines between what constitutes imagination and reality. Let’s talk about this coming technological revolution and … continue reading

Tips for building AI into mobile apps

Apps are getting smarter, which is affecting what developers do and how they do it.  While programmers don’t have to be AI experts to include intelligent elements in their app, they should understand something about what they’re building into their app and why.   For example, if you’re trying to improve a shopping experience or … continue reading

NativeScript 4.0 released

Progress announced the latest version of its open-source framework for cross-platform, native iOS and Android app development at its annual conference ProgressNEXT in Boston this week. NativeScript 4.0 is designed to ease mobile development with a new streamlined development workflow, support for advanced navigation scenarios and deeper integration with Vue.js. According to the company, 70 … continue reading

Using hybrid mobile to your advantage

It is no longer a question of “should I build a mobile app?” Digital businesses have begun to realize mobile app development is necessary to not only stay competitive, but to achieve customer satisfaction. Customers are accessing information on a huge variety of devices, and have come to expect a high-quality, mobile-friendly user experience. “Consumers, … continue reading

Altova zeros in on JSON Processing in latest release

Altova announced version 2018 release 2 of its MissionKit desktop developer tools and server software products today. MissionKit is the company’s software development suite of XML, SQL and UML tools. The latest release has a major focus on JSON processing with new capabilities that enable users to query and transform JSON data using XPath, XQuery … continue reading

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