Developers highly value jobs within organizations that provide ongoing learning and professional growth, even more than they value compensation, according to the annual Stack Overflow Developer Survey report released today. Just over half of the respondents, though, said they believe they are underpaid. The report, based on responses from more than 64,000 developers in 213 … continue reading
Microservices does not mean small applications. It is an application architecture that helps businesses and developers break down their monolithic applications into separate services, according to Chris Richardson, founder of Eventuate, a startup with a focus on transactional microservices. Richardson explained that there is no such thing as a microservice in a keynote at the … continue reading
Microsoft released Visual Studio 2017 last week, and already the company is working on the Visual Studio 2017 Update Preview. The preview is meant to improve UWP tools so they support the upcoming Creators Update SDK, and add Python tools. Once the Creators Update SDK is released, the company will allow developers to enable side-by-side … continue reading
So you’ve decided to become a web developer, but what kind of web developer do you want to be? Do you want to be a frontend or backend developer? Or maybe you want to be a DevOps developer? To make life easier, Developer Roadmap provides a set of paths and technologies developers can look into … continue reading
Now that Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2017 is generally available, software development solution providers are taking the necessary steps to support the latest IDE. Component solution provider GrapeCity is the latest company with the announcement of ComponentOne Ultimate 2017 v1. The cross-platform component suite includes ComponentOne Studio, Wijmo, and Xuni. This is the company’s first major … continue reading
GitLab has announced it is acquiring Gitter, the communication platform for developer communities and teams on GitHub. Gitter is a chat and networking platform designed to bring developers together to collaborate and grow. “Community is core to GitLab’s principles. Our mission is to ensure that everyone can contribute, and over a thousand developers have contributed … continue reading
In today’s agile world, developers are accustomed to working in teams, but team roles and requirements are constantly changing. To address this, cloud workspace provider Codenvy is introducing Codenvy Teams in addition to its workspaces for individuals and enterprises. Codenvy Teams is designed to give developers the tools necessarily to collaborate on a common goal. … continue reading
In an open letter, is proposing a secure JavaScript Injection approval process to Apple in order to address App Store concerns. recently came under fire for its framework that allows developers to deploy updates directly to their live iOS apps. According to Apple, developers should not be able to change their applications after … continue reading
Developers thrive when they are able to collaborate, get feedback from their peers, and work in an open space. At least that is the theory behind Glitch, a new coding website launched from Fog Creek Software, a team collaboration and development tools provider. “Anybody who’s ever made something they’re proud of can tell you: People … continue reading
Many articles on DevOps tooling attempt to distill an ocean of products into a more drinkable process puddle, like for example: build automation, continuous integration, configuration management, and infrastructure deployment. And it makes sense, since any process that facilitates faster deployments and shorter lead times can result in the business benefits outlined in surveys like … continue reading
Developers are beginning to program in Go both at work and outside of work. Go is an open-source programming language Google created in 2007. The programming language’s team has released its 2016 survey results, which revealed 89% of respondents are using Go. Of that 89%, 36% use Go both at home and at work, 27% … continue reading