Topic: software development

ActiveState: Komodo’s small features make a big developer impact

ActiveState is releasing version 9.3 of its integrated development environment with some small features it said makes a big impact. Komodo is the company’s multi-language IDE for developers. The biggest feature, according to Nathan Rijksen, lead Komodo developer at ActiveState, is the addition of a documentation browser, which allows developers to quickly reference the documentation … continue reading

SourceClear raises funding to help improve software security

The software development industry is growing by leaps and bounds every day, but security still seems to be a problem that hasn’t been conquered. Many businesses have had the displeasure of dealing with hack attacks, and we read about them almost every week. So here comes SourceClear: a security company focused on software developers that … continue reading

Taking a closer look at HTML5 after its first year of standardization

Today marks the one-year anniversary of HTML5’s standardization, and since then it has quickly become a preferred solution for Web development. It was a long and hard road for HTML5 to reach that status, and not many thought it would make it this far. “My perception at the time eight years ago was that it … continue reading

Guest View: Five reasons why software developers do (or should) go back to school

Rodney Dangerfield made going “Back to School” popular in the mid-1980s, and now, 30 years later, it’s being made popular again, but this time by software developers who “get no respect” in their current position. Unlike Rodney’s big college experience at “Grand Lakes University,” though, these developers are turning to small software development trade schools—or … continue reading

From the Editors: Want innovation? No MBAs allowed

We’ve taken a look at a program at UC Berkeley where students across disciplines come together to work on solving problems in the marketplace. A lot of this work takes place around solving urban problems in India, but the projects span the gamut from third-world issues to first-world enterprise business strategies. Solomon Darwin, who directs … continue reading

Transforming the Web with HTML5

The Web is ever changing. What was once a place where documents and information could be accessed has turned into a place where users can communicate verbally, visually and virtually, where users can play interactive games, and where users can stream music, movies and television shows. To keep up with these advanced features and capabilities, … continue reading

Code for America takes on procurement and contracts

Code for America met this week at its annual Code for America Summit to discuss how best to work with government organizations, how to propose solutions for civic problems, and perhaps most importantly, how to fix civic software procurement. Have you ever seen a government software contract? They take years to obtain, months to sign, … continue reading

Application Developers Alliance releases its first annual developer insights report

The Application Developers Alliance wants to help the software development industry make smarter decisions by finding out what inspires developers. The Alliance, in partnership with research firm IDC, has announced Developer Insights Report: A Global Survey of Today’s Developer, an in-depth analysis of trends in the development world. “There exists already a significant amount of … continue reading

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, Mozilla’s Thimble, and the autonomous car problem—SD Times news digest: Sept. 2, 2015

Google wants to make mobile sites more mobile friendly by removing distracting app install interstitials. According to the company, some interstitials hide a majority of the site’s content, and users get frustrated when they come across them. To address this, Google is updating its Mobile-Friendly Test to indicate which sites should avoid app install interstitials. … continue reading

Combining Angular 1 and Angular 2, Google’s self-driving cars, and Qualcomm’s Smart Protect technology—SD Times news digest: Aug. 31, 2015

Developers looking to upgrade to Angular 2 won’t have to worry about their existing Angular 1 applications. Google has announced it will enable developers to mix Angular 1 and Angular 2 in their applications. Angular 2 features improved performance, powerful templating, simpler APIs, and easier debugging, according to the Angular team. “We’re making it easy … continue reading

Guest View: What skills to look for to build an efficient development team

The success or failure rate of a development team can largely be correlated with the expertise and skill sets represented by its individual members. Sometimes, software development C-level officers can become so mired in the myriad aspects of running a business and getting products released as quickly as possible that they lose sight of what … continue reading

Researchers want to make sure computers never lose your data

It happens time and time again. You are working on a project, and your computer crashes, causing you to lose all your work. But MIT researchers want to solve this problem by building a crash-tolerant data storage system. “What many people worry about is building these file systems to be reliable, both when they’re operating … continue reading Protection Status